Dead inside...

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When we found out the boys had died, we were all scared, in shock, broken, and dead inside. We were in pain. Kyra and Christina were crying on the couch, Melanie and I were laying on the couch in the basement listening to sad music and crying, and Ariel doesn't even leave her room anymore, not to eat or drink. None of us can get her to come out. And seeing her and Kyra and the other girls in this much pain only hurt me more. Eventually I started watching a bunch of videos of the boys.

I honestly couldn't help but smile.

I missed and loved them all. Jack, Corbyn, Zach, Daniel, and Jonah all meant a lot to me.

I started crying more because I knew without them we would never be the same people again.



We heard the doorbell ring so I went to go answer it and it was Logan. He didn't seem upset at all.

"Hey Logan what's up?" I asked

"Hey girls I heard about the boys I'm so sorry about what happened." He was kinda smiling though.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I was confused. He loves the boys why would he be smiling when he knows they're dead.

"Where's the other girls?" He dodged my question.

"Well Melanie, Alyssa, and Christina are downstairs crying, I'm right here, and Ariel is in her room and she hasn't come out for a while." I loved Logan, I mean he IS my oldest cousin...but why on earth is he HAPPY during a time like this???

"Well I have something that might cheer you up...or piss you off...just depends on how you look at it." He said as I got even more confused. He took me outside and closed the door. Then he covered my eyes and took me into the backyard. When he uncovered my eyes, I saw the boys standing there and they started singing to me.

I started crying and when they were done Zach ran up to me and hugged me and the other boys did the same.

"I thought we lost you guys." I was crying still.

'Hah!! And that's where I come in! See I rigged your guyses T.V. for the boys so you would all see that fake broadcast." Logan said proudly.

"Why the hell would you guys do that?!" I was kinda mad but also relieved at the same time.

"We just wanted to surprise you." Corbyn smiled and hugged me. Then Zach hugged me again, then Jack, then Jonah then Daniel.

"That was the worst thing you guys ever could've possibly done."  I was so happy they were all alive! But I'm obviously not gonna show how happy I am.

"We're sorry Kyra we really just wanted to surprise all of you in a kinda romantic and sweet way." Jonah hugged me more. It was cold outside and for some reason Jonah is always warm so I continued hugging him. Plus he's the one I'm least mad at since he usually never does stuff like this.

"Well now we need your help surprising the other girls." Daniel said.

"Yeah of course I'll help!" I went back inside to get the other girls. I managed to get everyone except for Ariel. I went in her room and she wasn't there so I just came back out with the others and the boys again started singing to them and hugging them all.

Everyone was talking and stuff when I told Logan I couldn't find Ariel he got worried too.

"Hey guys where's Ariel?" Logan asked.

"Yeah she wasn't in her room when I went to go get her." I added.

"Oh damn I forgot." Christina looked worried. We all looked over at her. "Tonight she had to go do a concert on the beach because of her new album so I bet she's still there." Everyone got inside Logan's car and we all drove to the beach. When we got there obviously there was a HUGE crowd of people. I'm guessing they were fans. They were all crowded around the stage so that meant Ariel was most likely backstage. We got out and went backstage and saw her manager Jeff. She has the same manager as Logan.

"Oh hey what's up guys?" Manager Jeff asked. "Oh and do you guys have any idea what's up with Ariel? I tried getting her pumped up for the concert and she's not her usual self." We all looked at each other unsure of how to answer.

"We'll explain later, where is she?" Logan asked and I could see the worry in his eyes. Manager Jeff pointed but when we found her she was talking to Jake. We all stood behind the wall and listened.

"Jake I can't do this, I can't." She was crying bad.

"Hey look at me little sister, you have millions of fans out there waiting for you who love and support you. I know how upset you are that the boys are gone but they would want you to do this." Jake hugged her.

"It hurts so bad." She was still sobbing.

"I know sis." Jake kept hugging her and wiped her tears. When she was finally ready, she went up onstage and started the concert.



I was still hurt and upset but I knew my fans also needed me. I wasn't paying attention to backstage at all so when I heard voices that sounded like the boys, I shrugged it off and told myself I was being crazy. I sang quite a few songs and as the concert was about to end, I heard the boys song come on and when I looked around the boys walked up onto the stage and sang to me.

By the time the song was over, I was absolutely in tears and the whole crowd was screaming, cheering and crying. They all hugged me for a while and then we went backstage an they explained everything. After that we went home and went into our rooms. Corbyn and Christina were watch Twilight. Zach and Kyra were watch the Insidious movies. Jack and Alyssa were watching How I met your mother. Melanie and Daniel were watching the Fast and Furious movies. And of course Jonah wanted to watch Harry Potter so we both watched the Harry Potter movies together

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