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I went over to the Why Don't We boy's house and knocked on the door. I wanted to 'apologize' to Jonah. Just kidding, the only thing I want is to get Ariel out of the way. She had the Boys AND Alyssa and Kyra, Melanie and Christina. I had admired the for so long and my plan was to become friends with all of them and push Ariel out. I'm prettier, and better at...well everything. If I can get close to her friends and Jonah then I'll get close enough to threaten her and if she doesn't listen she'll pay the price. Eventually Daniel came and opened the door. He looked annoyed.

"What do you want Madison?" He asked as he rolled his eyes.

"I just need to talk to Jonah." I answered innocently.

"Why? Your always causing trouble." He looked around me. I guess he was making sure I was alone.

"Shut it Seavey." I pushed him out of the way and eventually found Jonah in the basement. He looked a little confused and Ariel wasn't with him or anywhere else. None of the girls seemed to be home so I guess this was now or never.

"Hey Jonah I needed to talk to you." I said in a sweet voice.

"Um ok....What's up?" He looked like I was the last person he wanted to talk to. I was hurt. I had a crush on him for so long, he should be with me.

"I'm sorry about kissing you when we were playing truth or dare. I didn't know you had a girlfriend." I sat next to him on the couch.

"It's fine don't worry about it." he replied.

"Actually there is something else I wanted to talk to you about." I pretended to be nervous. I had gotten Ariel's number from her manager because I said I 'wanted to talk to her about business' but really I just needed it to make fake screenshots and make a fake conversation so Jonah would believe me.

"Yeah ok what's wrong?" he noticed how my mood changed.

"Your girlfriend has been sending me threatening texts and things and being super mean to me, I didn't want to call the police or anything because I knew you could straighten things out." I unlocked my phone and showed him the fake texts. I put texts in there like 'Stay away from my boyfriend or I will fucking kill you' and 'Your and ugly hoe and slut and no one even likes you' things like that. He looked a little shocked at first then he handed me my phone back.

"Wow Madison I'm sorry I didn't know she was being like this, I'll definitely talk to her when she gets home." He hugged me and I smirked because I knew my plan was working.

"Well I should get going." I said and stood up then he grabbed my arm.

"Wait no you should stay and hang out with me and the guys." He smiled at me.

"Ok sure." Then we both went upstairs with the guys and all talked and laughed. Well except for Daniel.



I was out shopping with the girls pretty much the whole day. We had gotten new clothes and makeup and stuff it was fun. Soon we all got tired and decided to head home, but when we got there we noticed another girl already there. The same girl who kissed Jonah when they were playing truth or dare and now they were cuddling on the couch. It's pretty obvious all the guys were fawning over her.

"Who is this girl?" Christina was clearly annoyed.

"I don't know but what the hell is she doing here?" Alyssa asked.

"I have no idea." I was just as confused as everyone else

"That's Madison Beer. She's a singer." Melanie said

"How did you know that?" Kyra was having mixed emotions.

"Well I've heard one of her songs and I'm pretty sure she used to date my ex." She replied angrily. We all went inside and everyone stopped and looked at us. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs. Soon Jonah came upstairs and sat on the bed and watched as I went through my stuff.

"We need to talk." He kept looking at me.

"Ok yeah what's up?" I stopped and looked back at him.

"Madison showed me the texts you sent her. Honestly Ariel that's not like you what the hell were you thinking? She could have called the cops." I was now more confused.

"Look I don't care about Madison or whoever she is, I didn't send her any texts I've been to busy with other stuff and I have no idea what your talking about." He looked annoyed for some reason.

"Don't play dumb Ariel and don't lie to me."

"Jonah when have I ever lied to you?!"

"Your lying right now!"

"Ok we've been together for a little over a year now. I have NEVER lied to you so what on gods green earth makes you think I would lie right now." I was getting mad now.

"I don't trust you." He said and that broke my heart.

"Wow so your gonna trust some girl over me?!"

"THAT GIRL HAS BEEN MY BEST FRIEND FOR YEARS DONT BE JEALOUS JUST BECAUSE YOUR NOT HER!" He was yelling now which was weird because he's never yelled at me before.


"IT MEANS YOUR JUST MAD BECAUSE SHE'S BETTER THEN YOU AND I LIKED THE KISS." My mood had instantly gone from mad to sad, to shattered in a matter of seconds.

"Ok you know what? I'm done. If she's so much better then me then you can date her it's over." I started packing my stuff.

"Cool whatever maybe I will. I always trust her anyway." When he said that I chuckled a little.  "What's so funny?" he asked. I waited till I was done packing to answer him.

"Trust isn't about who you've known the's about who came into your life, said I'm there for you, and proved it." After that I walked out of the room and got all my things into the car. A few minutes later I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I looked behind me and was surprised to see Daniel and Melanie.

"If you leave, we leave." Daniel said, I cried and hugged him and he hugged me back.

"Madison got to Kyra and Alyssa so they're not coming." Melanie looked down sadly.

"Well let's go to Logan's house and tell him everything." Dani got in the car and so did me and Melanie. When we arrived at Logan's house I was instantly greeted by Kong and Maverick. Logan, who was on the couch, looked up at the 3 of us a little shocked. He noticed I had been crying and he ran to me and hugged me.

"Omg sis? Are you ok? What happened?" All I could do was cry in Logan's arms because I was in so much pain emotionally. Daniel told Logan everything and I could see how mad he was. "You guys just stay here for as long as you want ok? I got your guyses back." Then we all went to bed.

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