New Start

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The next day, I had a music video too shoot. My friend Harvey had made a new song and asked me to be featured in it. I was about to leave when Zach stopped me on my way out.

"Hey Ari what's up?" He asked.

"I have to go shoot a music video...Are you ok?" 

"Can I come with you? I don't wanna be around Jack." He replied.

"What about Kyra? And you can't avoid Jack forever you guys are best friends."

"Well Kyra is doing a beauty tutorial with Christina." He replied again. 

"Well then where's Corbyn?" I asked.

"He's right here." Jonah and Corbyn were standing behind us. Corbyn looked paler then usual and sad.

"Corbyn are you alright?" I asked. He didn't say anything he just hugged me. You know being friends with a couple sucks. Because once they break up, its awkward cause then your stuck in the middle of them. Of course I'm still friends with Christina, she has been acting a little weird around me lately though. I have no idea why, maybe its because of their breakup. "Alright, who is coming with me? Raise your hands." Corbyn, Zach, Jonah, Daniel, and Melanie raised their hands. Then we all got into the car as I headed to where we were shooting the video. We all got out and I met up with Harvey. He ran up to me and hugged me.

"Hey! I'm so glad were doing this video together!" He said

"Same I haven't seen you since your tour started!" I smiled and he looked over at everyone.

"Who are they?" He smiled.

"Oh  Um those are my friends, Daniel, Zach, Corbyn, and Melanie. The last one is my boyfriend Jonah." I looked at them all. He shook Jonah's hand and talked to them and we all hung out for a bit before we had to start recording. It took us hours but we finally finished and everyone was cheering.

Once we got all the scenes finished I went and got some water.

"Ari where did you learn to dance like that?!" Melanie asked. They all looked impressed and Jonah looked a little jealous.

"Im a dancer its just what I do." We all laughed and talked then I went over to Jonah and wrapped my arms around him.

"Your jealous." I smirked. 

"No I'm not!" He looked away. I turned him towards me and kissed him.

"I love you Jonah only you." I said and he smiled.

"I know I love you too." He smiled. We all hung out for a few hours before I drove everyone home. We got inside and Alyssa came up to me and hugged me.

"What's the hug for?" I asked laughing.

"Just  because I can." She replied laughing. " Also I need you to talk to Jack he's been bummed lately." 

"Ah see? I knew there was a catch you never give me free hugs." I laughed again. 

"Oh shut up!" She laughed again. "Also...I wanna spend time with you tomorrow." She said.

I shook my head. "Can we do it the next day? Jonah and I have a date tomorrow."

"Well pretend to be sick! Your MY cousin I should get to spend time with you whenever I want." She fake pouted.

"Well go fight Jonah not me." I instantly regretted the words as I saw her smirk. "No Alyssa no no no no no You can't actually fight him."

" you know where the water guns, tape, and rope are?" She asked.

"The water guns are downstairs but I doubt he's gonna change his mind." I said putting my stuff down. 

"Why?" She asked. 

"Because we wanna spend more time together so he planned a date for us." I took a sip of water.

"You guys are a cute couple but your together all the time." She said.

"Really? Who was I hanging out with all day yesterday?" I asked while looking at her.

She looked away for a few seconds before answering, "Me."

"Exactly and I love you, but I have to make time for my friends AND my boyfriend." 

"Well I'm still gonna go try and change his mind because I need someone to go to the mall with me tomorrow." She ate a bite of her salad.

"Well why not take Christina?" I asked.

"Your not mad at her after what she did to Jonah?" She asked a little shocked. 

"What do you mean?" I asked confused and Alyssa looked like she just told me something she wasn't supposed too.

"Oh...nothing, Im gonna go find the water guns now." She ran off towards the basement. I knew she wasn't gonna tell me anything so I decided I was just gonna ask Jonah or Christina later. I went to find Jack and found him sitting by the pool so I sat next to him.\

" ok?" I asked

"No not really Ari I fucked up...I turned Zach away from me, and the guys are mad at me." He looked down. I hugged him for a while. "What do I do?" He asked.

"Talk to Zach...You guys are the dynamic duo you'll find a way past this.." I looked at him.

"What about Corbyn, Daniel, and Jonah?" He looked back at me.

"Look I don't know about Corbyn and Daniel but I know Jonah isn't really mad he's just dissapointed and hurt. Make it up to them Jack I believe in you." I smiled and walked inside. I heard Alyssa and Jonah arguing downstairs so I walked back outside to Jack.

"Hey you wanna go watch Disney movies while those to have their little cat fight?" I asked.

"Sure." Jack laughed and we went upstairs and started watching a bunch classic Disney movies.



I was sitting in the basement when Alyssa came down and poured a bunch of water on me. 

"What the hell was that for?!" I stood up.

"You have a date with Ariel tomorrow?!" She yelled.

"Yeah I do why?" I asked.

"Because I wanted to spend time with her tomorrow she's MY cousin."

"Well she's MY girlfriend." I argued back.

"Fine how long are you gonna be gone for?" She asked.

"We're spending the whole day together I planned a bunch of stuff." 

"Well can't you like reschedule the date or something?" 

"No Alyssa why do you care so much?!"

"Because I'm still pregnant and I have to see the doctor tomorrow." she said and I was shocked she could tell. "I lied so everyone one would stop fighting." 

"Who else knows?" I asked.

"No one except Ariel. And I guess now you do too." She sighed and I hugged her.

"You have to tell everyone." I said while hugging her.

"I know Jonah I'm just scared it's gonna cause problems again." She hugged me back.

"I'll be by your side always." I said

"Promise?" She asked.

"I said I would...I meant it." I smiled at her.

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