Close Call

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Ariel started calling me, as soon as I picked up I heard Loren and Blake talking to her...they were nothing but trouble..I called 911 and went to Loren's house. I couldn't just walk in there because they would hear me. It hurt knowing that my sister was in there and there was nothing I could do about it...I thought maybe I could find a way in soI went through  the back and thankfully the door was unlocked and I walked in.


I've never been more scared in my life. We were all cuddled up on the couch. My cousin and best friend was missing she could be scared and alone, she could be in danger, she could be dead right now. Kyra started shaking and she was crying a little so I hugged her and prayed that everything would be ok.


Alyssa was hugging me and so was Zach. I never said anything to Ariel before she left...if she's dead my last words to her was...well...I cant even realy remember which was equally bad. I needed to know she was ok. Then Logan called Daniel again, I could hear his voice but not the conversation. Daniel said ok a few times and was looking worried and got his car keys

"Where are you going? Whats going on?" Jack said.

We all looked at him.

"You guys just stay here...Im the only one Ariel actually trusts right now." And after that he left.

"Well Im not staying here.." Jonah said.

"Same." Corbyn said standing up.

"How are we gonna avoid Daniel?" Zach said.

"We'll follow him from a distance then when he gets to wherever he's going we'll watch from a distance. Look we all made a mistake and Im going to apologize to guys can stay here if you want..but I would rather have her in my life then hate us forever." All the guys and me and Alyssa got into a van and started following from a distance.


Loren stopped talking to Ariel and gave me the orders to kill her and I was gonna enjoy it. I grabbed the knife out from my pocket and she started crying. I moved closer and was about to stab her in the throat and I felt someone hit me from behind and I passed out.


I had my eyes closed and I was still crying when I heard a loud thud then someone untied me. When I looked up I saw Logan and practically tackled him. He held me and we were both crying as the cops took Loren and Blake away. Then we went outside and I felt someone run up to me and hug me tight and I could tell, Logan called Daniel.

"Ok new rule, YOU are not aloud to go ANYWHERE alone." Logan said. Daniel and I both laughed.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?" I could tell Daniel was extremely worried.

"Yeah, Im fine.."

"Listen, the others feel really bad about what you wanna come over?"I thought about it for a while.

"Even if they do feel bad, I still dont wanna see them, what they did-"

"Yeah I know it was wrong...Im just saying they feel bad..and Im glad your ok."

"Thanks." I smiled.

"So what are you gonnado now?" he asked.

"Well, I might just go to my studio and dance for a while..getting lost in music helps when Im going throught things."

"Cool Ill meet you there."


We watched as Daniel and Ariel started talking and I was so glad and relieved she was we all were watching them, Zach started holding my hand and I didnt mind.


Ariel seemed ok and I was glad. She and Logan got into their car and started driving to Ariel's dance studio. I was about to get in my car when I saw the others sitting in a van and they walked up to me..

"I told you guys to stay home." He said.

"And you actually thought we would listen?" Kyra asked.

"Look we need to think of a way to make Ariel for give us...and we need your help so...please?" Zach asked and the rest of them nodded.

"Well...there is one thing that might work."


Logan and I were dancing to our favorite songs and snapchatting when I saw Daniel walk in with evryone else behind him and they all started singing to me.

I almost started crying.

"So do you forgive us?" Jonah asked and they all looked at me.

"How could I not?" I smiled and hugged them all.

After that we all went home and passed out

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