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I woke up the next day and got dressed, did my makeup, and brushed my hair and teeth. Then I went downstairs. I sat in the living room with the boys and we talked for a few hours. Then Kyra, Alyssa, and Melanie came downstairs to get me.

"Guess who just got their drivers license?!" Kyra was jumping up and down.

"Oh god." I said and quickly hid behind Jack. He laughed.

"Oh HELL nah Ariel thats YOUR cousin." Jack laughed more.

"Come on Ariel Kyra wants to go for a drive." Melanie said.

"Your trying to kill me." I looked at all of them and everyone laughed. I stood up and grabbed the keys and gave them to Kyra.

"The van keys?" She rolled her eyes.

"Theres no way in hell I'm letting you drive my car." Everyone laughed again. Jonah got up and hugged us all. He always did that.

"Kyra please not to kill my friends and my girlfriend." He looked at her.

"Oh shut it Marais they'll be fine." Kyra answered.

"Good luck Ariel. please don't die I need my best friend." Zach said.

Jack gave him that 'wtf you just say bro' look. "You mean my best friend.." he said.

"Be safe guys." Corbyn added.

"Yeah be home before 7:00." Daniel said.

Then we all left and got in the car. Kyra got in the driver seat and Alyssa and Melanie sat in the back. I sat in the front passenger seat. We were having a good time and listening to music and stuff. We came to a green light so we kept going then everything went black.



A few hours after the girls had left, I gto a call from a random number so I went outside to answer it.

"Hello is this Corbyn Besson?" A female voice at the end of the line asked.

"Yes it is who is this?" I was a little worried.

"Well it seems you have been put as an emergency contact for a Ariel Martin?" I remembered a while ago I told Ariel when we started becoming really close that she could add me as a emergency contact if she ever needed anything.

"Uh yeah. Whats the problem?"

"We need you to come down to Singing River Hospital, Ariel along with Melanie Lindemann, Alyssa and Kyra Brown have been in a car accident." As soon as I heard that I swear my heart skipped a beat and fear had overtaken me. I started freaking out. Four of my best friends were in the hospital. Then I remembered that Jonah, Jack, Daniel, and Zach's phones were dead, and they probably couldn't call Logan or Jake because they were both out of state. I got even more worried.

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