Hidden Secrets

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Everyone was sitting in the living room when we all saw Ariel run upstairs. Something was obviously wrong. Jonah was about to get up and follow her when Alyssa and Kyra came in. When I saw how badly hurt Kyra was I ran to her and hugged her and picked her up then I carried her into the kitchen and sat her down on the counter.

"Baby?! What happened?!" I was worried sick and furious at the same time. Kyra was crying so I held her in my arms for a while as Alyssa explained the whole thing and when she was done she was crying while Jack was holding her in his arms. He looked like he was about to cry to. We were all furious when we found out the girls had been bullied for the past 2 years. Alyssa claimed they never told us because they were scared. Corbyn, Daniel, Christina, Jack, Jonah and I were all furious and wanted to beat the hell out of whoever did this. Jonah ran upstairs probably to find Ariel but when we heard him yell and cuss we all ran upstairs as fast as we could

"Jonah? What's wrong where is Ariel?" Christina was worried obviously like everyone else. Jonah shook his head.

"She...she's gone she's not here." He sat on the bed and looked down. "I never should have fought with her. She wouldn't have run away." Jonah was on the verge of tears and Alyssa sat beside him and hugged him.

"Its not your fault Jonah we should have payed more attention to you guys. Plus I think she's just scared. Don't worry we'll find her." Then she hugged him and he hugged her back. We all started calling her immediately but no one had any luck. Kyra wasn't talking or doing anything she looked so upset and it hurt to see her this way. Her, Alyssa, and Ariel are the some of the best people in my life and seeing them like this hurt. I took Kyra back to our room and cuddled her for a while.

"Baby...you ok?" I asked trying to get her to talk.

"I...I'm fine." She was shivering so I cuddled her closer and wrapped the blankets around us. She cuddled close into my chest and fell asleep a few minutes later. She and Alyssa never told me who did this but when I find out there is gonna be hell to pay.

I was pissed off at what happened to them. Everyone was. I was cuddling Alyssa in our room to help her feel better when she said something I wasn't expecting.

"It's my fault...I should have protected them." I wiped her tears away.

"Baby no its not your fault there was nothing you could do I promise we will find Ariel and take this bitch down. All of us together." As I said that she smiled and kissed me. I loved it when she smiled. She could slow time down with it and make my heart beat fast. We stayed talking for a few more hours until it was about 2:30 am then slowly she fell asleep and so did I a few minutes after.

I couldn't sleep the whole night. Not with Ariel gone. I want her by my side. Always. I need to be more protective. Maybe more loving? Is it me or like Alyssa said and shes just scared to come home? I cant stop thinking about her. If shes safe. If shes ok. I just wanted to hold her and solve all her problems. Daniel and I were the only ones awake. I was talking to him about how I felt and when I was finished he sighed.

"Jonah...Ariel is an amazing girl. It takes a LOT to really shake her or scare her. So whoever this girl is and whatever she did to them that's what scared Ariel not you. You love her more then anything in the world and its obvious. Everytime you look at her or flirt with her or really do anything with her its obvious how in love you are. Alyssa said that maybe Ariel was scared and embarrassed to come home  because she didn't want to us to see her like this. She's scared of what you'll think." He finished and I looked down and I knew he was most likely right. I sighed too. I was worried about her and I wanted my girlfriend back. I wanted to tell her I loved her and she didn't have to be scared. She wasn't even answering her phone so the attack was worse then I thought. I figured she was probably at Logan or Jakes house though so at least I knew she was probably ok. But I still couldn't sleep the whole night. I couldn't get her off my mind.

Jonah had been worried about Ariel the past few hours and I tried my best to reassure him that she was probably ok. Just really shook and scared. He was about to go up to his bedroom Im guessing to watch T.V. but before he did he turned around and looked at me.

"Hey Dani?" He asked and looked at me.

"Yes?" I replied.

"When we were playing Truth or dare and you admitted to having a crush on your best friends girlfriend...who were you talking about? Just wondering because you never did tell me." Ariel instantly flashed through my mind including the time I almost kissed her. But no way in HELL was I letting Jonah know the truth. He would hate me forever.

"Oh it was just a friend from highschool and i liked his girl it was stupid lol." I hated lying like this but it was the only choice. He laughed and went upstairs to his room. I knew no one could ever know the truth. Jonah would hate me and Melanie would dump me. I love her I really do, but I can't tell her that Im in love with another girl to...thats wrong...loving another girl is 100% wrong but as usual my heart and head can never fully work together.

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