Chapter 1

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5 Years Later
Ayesha's POV-

"Blaire, I promise I'll be there on time. But I gotta go," I exclaimed over the phone while locking up the restaurant. After a long day it was finally time to go home. Not that I don't love my restaurant, it's just a lot of work.

"See you tomorrow. Love you B," I said, then hung up the phone. It took me a while to walk to my car, as the California breeze hit me. I plopped down in the seat, plugged my phone in, and started the journey back to my place.

Realizing I didn't want to cook I made sure to drop by Chick-Fil-A. I finally got to my place and took off my shoes, feeling so relieved. I got in the shower and took my time washing my hair and body.

After getting dressed and scrolling through my phone a little bit I figured I should go to sleep considering I have to wake up early for a big day with Blaire tomorrow. And that's exactly what I did, falling into a deep slumber.


"Have you guys set a date for the wedding yet?" I slightly yelled so she could hear me through the changing rooms.

"Yup. It's in about a month in a half. That's why I'm in such a rush to get this dress tailored and ready. And sheesh girl you should know this considering you're the made of honor!" she sassed causing me to chuckle.

"I'm sorry. I've just been so busy. And when are you gonna come out? I've yet to see this dress and I can't wait to finally see it," I said in hopes she would finally come out.

"Yeah hold on for just a second." After a couple of minutes I heard footsteps and I looked up from my phone and my mouth dropped. I was met with Blaire, in a beautiful white wedding dress, that was just her style.

"Say something, your making me nervous," Blaire chuckled coming closer to me. "Do you like it?"

"Do I like it? Blaire I love it! You look so beautiful. Klay is gonna be so awestruck when he sees you walking down that aisle," I said looking at her up and down again. "Oh my gosh, I can't even," I squealed bringing her into a hug.

"Okay, but let's go get some food now. I'm freaking starving," Blaire said causing us to both laugh. She went to the dressing room to change clothes. While I was waiting I couldn't help but feel a bit lonely. Blaire was about to settle down with the love of her life, while I'm over here just living life, alone.

"I said are you coming?" Blaire chuckled causing me to snap from my thoughts. I blinked me eyes a couple time and looked at Blaire. I smiled, got up and we made our way to go get some food.

"So what's up with you? How's life?" Blaire said before eating some fries.

"Very interesting I'll have you know," I said then thought for a second. "Actually it's pretty boring. It kind of feels like my life has a daily schedule. Wake up, go to the restaurant, run some errands, go home. Rather than it's just great," I said, making sure it sounded sarcastic.

"So who's gonna be your plus one to the wedding?" Blaire questioned causing me to groan and hold my head in my hands.

"Ugh I totally forgot about that. I guess I can just go alone?" I said in hopes that she would say that would be fine.

"Umm no! You are brining a plus one to my wedding, you like it or not, girl, it's happening. So that's my one task I'm giving you," she smiled.

"Fine, but I'm probably just gonna end up pulling a stranger off of the roads."

"How about you bring that one Taylor guy?"

"Hmm, maybe because we broke up like two years ago Blaire," I chuckled at her cluelessness.

"Well I know that. But you guys were really cute."

"Yeah that's not happening B."

"Dude I just had a major flashback. How about you bring that one guy from the restaurant. You know the day after you came back from California? We were eating at the restaurant and he walked in, remember?"

I chuckled recalling the memory, "oh my gosh Blaire how do you even remember that? That was like 5 years ago. And if I were to do that how in the hell am I supposed to find him? Your so extra Blaire."

"Shit," Blaire said looking at her phone, "I have to go. Klay should be getting home from practice anytime now. I promised I would do-," Blaire tried to say, but I cut her off. Klay plays for the Golden State Warriors. Coincidence, I know.

"You dont have to spare the details. But go get your man," I said getting up and hugging her. "Bye B, love yah."

"Love you too. And don't forget mission find a man for my wedding in a month in a half!" Blaire exclaimed, but was being serious.

"I'll try," I chuckled as we parted ways. I went straight back to my house. A day with Blaire can exhaust you.

I got in bed and watched the news for a while. Soon I started to feel my eyes become heavy. I turned my lamp off and continued to watch the news until sleep took control of my body.

It looks like superstar Stephen Curry is getting serious with new girlfriend Camila Greylee. Maybe she has been they key to all of his success's lately! With the new season coming up maybe Camila is all Steph needs to bring home another championship home to The Bay, along with splash brother Klay Thompson. Awe just imagine a little Steph Curry running around! This is NBSCA reporting to you live from San Francisco.

Thank you for reading!!
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