Chapter 27

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Ayeshas POV

"Can't you just get over the fact that Stephen broke up with you?!"

She laughed. "What lies has he been telling you? I'm the one who broke up with him. So really you should be praising me. If it weren't for me, you and Steph wouldn't be together."

After that I just shut my mouth. I looked at Camila who had a devilish smirk, then Steph who has worried written all over him.

"I'm done, so done." I threw the cup I was holding on the ground and shoved my way past the people and went outside. Knowing my ride was Steph's driver, I decided to just call an Uber to get home.

Stephens POV

"Shit man, you better go after her," Klay said putting an arm on my shoulder. That's not what I was thinking about though, I was thinking about how Camila was always just ruining things.

I walked over to her, grabbing her wrist and pulling her with me to a more private area. "What the hell was that, Camila?!"

"I haven't seen you in months and I don't even get a hi?" She stuck her bottom lip out and rested her hand on my chest, which I immediately smacked away.

"Stop playing games. What was that back there?!"

"The bitch had it coming for. There's nothing else really to say." She was acting as if it was nothing. "You should come over later, just like old times," she said giving me a wink. Was she serious?

"You know what Camila, I'm so happy things between us didn't work out. I don't even know what I saw in you in the first place. You're just a groupie that begs for attention. I'm done with you and your bullshit." I started to walk away but she started to speak making me turn around.

"You know Steph, she's really not even all that. Sooner or later you'll realize it and don't come running back to me begging on your-."

"Save it for someone who cares, Camila. Now I have to go fix the problems you've created."

It was dark outside and I called my driver to come pick me up. If Camila wasn't back at the house I have no idea what to do. This 45 minutes drive to the house seemed like forever.

We finally pulled up to the house and I quickly got out of the car. Please be here Ish. I unlocked the door and searched the mid floor. No sign. Then I went upstairs. And when I finally opened the door to our room, sure enough she was in there.

"Ish, what are you doing?" I asked once I saw her packing her bags. She didn't say anything but instead kept packing. I walked closer to her. "Talk to me. Seriously, what's wrong?"

"Are you serious? What's wrong? Why am I even surprised your asking me this? I have to tell you what you've done wrong every damn time!" She snapped throwing one of her shirts on the ground.

"Calm down," I said taking a hold of her wrists. "So it's about what Camila said?"

"You lied to me Steph! You told me you broke up with her, not vice versa! And here she is, flaunting it in my face, cause we damn well wouldn't be together if she didn't end things!" She yelled tugging her hands away from me.

"That's not true, Ayesha. The breakup was a mutual thing. We both wanted it, so I didn't really lie to you. And anyways why would it matter is she was the one who ended things? Things turned out pretty great to me, didn't they? We don't and shouldn't have to worry about those endless scenarios that didn't happen."

She stayed silent, looking at the ground. "And anyways, ever since I saw you I knew I wanted you back. Even if it didn't seem like it. You're the one I want to be with, always have, always will. And there's nothing that will change that."

She finally looked up at me. I grabbed her hands once again, and this time she didn't resist. Then all of a sudden she broke down crying. She sat on the bed and held her head in her hands.

I sat right next to her and started to rub her back. "Is something else bothering you?"

"No, it's just I'm sorry. But I just need to know one thing, Steph," she mumbled through her tears.

"What is it?" I asked, pulling her head onto my shoulder.

"Just promise me you're here for the long run," she whispered. I could feel her heavy breathing against my body.

"Ish look at me." She slowly looked up at me. Her eyes were red and a bit swollen. "Of course I am. Since day one. Why would you think I wasn't?"

"I don't think that. I just need to know," she said looking back down, biting her lip and pulling some hair behind her ear. As if she was nervous. She seemed to be doing it a lot lately.

"You know you can talk to me right?" She nodded her head and mumbled 'mhmm,' the tears still falling. "Then tell me what else is wrong, Ish."

It was silent for a moment. "You just haven't been yourself. Somethings up, and I want to be there for you. So, please, let me be there for you."

She let out a deep sigh and looked up at me. She wiped away her last tears, but it looked like they were still threatening to fall. I looked down at her fingers she was fiddling with, a thing she did when she was scared or nervous. I looked back up at her.

"I have to tell you something, Steph."

I grabbed her hands. "You can tell me."

"It's cause," she started. "It's cause I'm pregnant, Steph. I'm pregnant."
Yoo thanks for reading ;)
Three in one day, phew (:
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