Chapter 4

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Ayesha's POV-

"Okay so meet me back at my place in two hours okay?" Blaire asked me, but made it more of a statement. I nodded my head yes then heading into my house.

I went straight to the kitchen to my medicine drawer. Along with some ibuprofen, I used my best remedies to cure a hangover. And lucky for me, my secret tips started to work pretty fast.

I got into my shower, taking my sweet time, letting the steam fill up the bathroom. I washed my hair and body, and eventually got out, even though I didn't want to. I got dressed in some causal summer clothes, and decided to let my hair run natural today. I put on some light makeup, still with 45 minutes to spare. I decided to take a nap, considering I was still majorly tired from the lack of sleep I got last night. But soon enough my alarm went off, indicating it was time to head over to Blaire's.

I got in my car, BlueToothed my phone, and started the 30 minute drive to Blaire's. Before you know it I was pulling into their driveway. I knocked on the door and was greeted by a very happy Klay.

"Hey Ish. What's up?" He said closing the door behind me.

"Nothing much. Just wondering how you have this much energy in the morning, and why you're all dapped up and ready," I said, noticing it looked like we wanted to take on the day.

"Oops did I forget to tell you? Klay is tagging along," Blaire said before embracing me into a hug.

"You didn't forget to tell me, you just avoided telling me. But it's okay, it's not like I'm third wheeling or anything," I said being sarcastic, but they knew I was joking. "So you guys ready or what?"

"Umm," Blaire said, scratching the back of her neck then looking towards Klay.

"I actually think I need to change shirts, I'll be right back," Klay said running upstairs. I shook my head and laughed.

"Okay, whatever. I have to go to the bathroom anyways," I giggled walking down the hallway to the bathroom. I did my business, washed my hands, and checked myself in the mirror one last time before walking out.

I walked back to the living room but neither Blaire or Klay were here. I figured they were both upstairs so I sat on the couch and made myself comfy. But as soon as I got comfy, there was a few knocks on the door. Knowing both Blaire and Klay weren't here to open it I decided to just do it myself.

I got up, walked over to the door and opened it. I met the strangers eyes, just to soon recognize that it wasn't a stranger eyes. They were the hazel eyes I've grown to love, and hate. I was met with the one and only Stephen Curry. I didn't know what the hell to do. I opened my mouth so say something but nothing came out. But I didn't have to start the conversation, he happily did.

"So can I come in or?" He said, a bit to rude for my liking. I was taken aback from the attitude he was giving me especially since we haven't seen each other for 5 years. No I wasn't expecting him to hug me and act like everything is normal, just not act like this.

I rolled my eyes, opened the door wider, and once he was in the house I shut the door and walked up stairs. And when I knew he couldn't see me, I started running. I barged into Klay and Blaire's room to see them in a full blown make out session. But I didn't care though, I grabbed Blaire by the ear and pulled her into the bathroom.

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