Chapter 6

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Ayesha's POV-

"Yeah I would love too," I panted over the phone. Blaire and I were on a run and let's just say I'm not in the best of shape. I ended the phone call with Anthony and slowed my pace down to a walk.

"Who was that?" Blaire asked. I gave her a knowing look. "Oo, Anthony? I think it's about time I meet him."

"Well if you really want too he just asked me to go to the beach with him so you can tag along if you want," I shrugged.

"Can I bring my lover boy if he can?"

"Only if you promise he won't bring that douche bag of a best friend," I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Not to bring back painful memories but just a few years ago you and Steph were in love. Like inseparable, couldn't keep each other's eyes off of each other, like the full deal. Now when you see each other it's like you guys hate each other and can't even breathe the same air," Blaire said, then took a long deep breath.

"We left on bad terms," is all I said before starting to run again. Blaire followed.

"You never really told me what happened," Blaire said, pleading for answers.

"Long story short, he broke up with me. And once again I'm over him. And he's a different person, not the same person I fell in love with in the first place anyways. But I'll see you at the beach later?" I said finally making it to my car.

"You can count on it," Blaire said winking before making her way to her car.

I drove back to my place and took a nice long shower. I put on my swimsuit, then a off the shoulders shirt with some white shorts. I paired it with my ray bans before making my way out of the door.

When I made it to the beach Anthony and I were pulling up at the same time. I smiled when I saw him. "Hey," I blushed going in for a hug.

"Hey beautiful, hows it's going?" He asked me, kissing my forehead which sent tingles throughout my body.

"Good, and shoot I forgot to tell you. My friend Blaire is coming. She wanted to meet you. Oh and I think she is bring her boyfriend, Klay. You've probably heard of him. Especially here in The Bay," I chuckled.

"So as in Klay Thompson?" He asked me, I nodded. "How are you in these circles?" He chuckled.

"That's a very long story," I said, then saw Blaire walking over to us, "but I'll tell you later."

"You must be Anthony," Blaire smiled, coming up to us with Klay in hand.

"And you must be Blaire. It's nice to meet you," he replied holding out his hand with Blaire accepted.

"You too. Oh and this is my fiancé, Klay."

"Hey man. Nice to meet you," He said as the two greeted each other. We walked down the beach and got set up in more of a private area.

"It's hotter than a mofo out here," Blaire said immediately stripping to her bikini.

"Really? I thought it was snowing," Klay said smirking, earning a glare from Blaire. I chuckled at the couple, then focused my direction back too Anthony who was taking his shirt off. The view was quite amazing, to say the least. After hearing him clearing his throat, I was snapped back into reality.

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