Chapter 16

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Ayeshas POV

I coated my eyes lashes with one last layer of mascara before I put on my heels and grabbed my purse. I got in my car before driving off to Klay and Blaire's.

After about 30 minutes I pulled on to there street and there were already lots of cars lined up and down the road.

"Wow Blaire, you always know how to out do yourself when it comes to parties," I whispered to myself as I finally found a place to park by their house. I looked at myself one last time before getting out of my car and heading towards the house.

And heading towards the house was a struggle. There was so many people that literally every .5 seconds you bumped into someone. I finally got inside the house and began to search for Blaire. Although there wasn't as much people inside as there was outside, it still took me a solid 10 minutes to find her in the kitchen.

"Hey, you made it!" She said smiling and giving me a hug. "Want one?" She asked nudging her head to the mojitos she was making, and I immediately took her up on the offer.

"Dude, why is there so many people here?" I asked looking around. Outside there were tons of people dancing, jumping in the pool, playing beer pong, the typical party stuff.

"Well Klay said to keep it small, but obviously that didn't work out. I practically invited everyone we know," she explained as she passed me my drink.

"Thanks, and yeah I can tell," I chuckled taking a sip of the mojito. As the liquid ran down my throat I couldn't help but cough. "Damn that's strong!" I said taking a deep breath causing Blaire to laugh.

"I know," she laughed. "Anyways, where's Steph? Is he coming?"

"I think so, at least that's what he told me. He might even be here already," I said almost forgetting about him.

"How's that going?"

"Me and Stephen? It's good, I don't think I ever lost my love for him, even through everything."

"Ew you guys are so gross it makes me sick," Blaire said making a funny face causing me to chuckle. Just as if it was on queue Stephen walked in.

"What makes you sick?" He asked Blaire giving me a side hug.

"You," she chuckled walking away. Stephen looked down at my confusingly and I looked up at him with a smile.

"Hey," I whispered getting up on my tiptoes to kiss him. "I was just about to go looking for you."

"I was with Klay and the boys, and I think he's hiding something from me, but he won't tell me," he explained.

"Really?" I asked looking up at him. He nodded. "I'll get it out of Blaire," I said pulling him into a hug.

We stayed in that position for awhile. "Remember in college, it was the first couple of days we met. We were both at the one party and we played beer pong and both totally got wasted. And we started to make out and take each other clothes off till that one guy walked in?" I laughed recalling the memory.

"How could I forget?" He said joining me in laughing. "Why you asking? Ready for round 2?"

"No way. I don't want to make you feel bad," I teased cashing him to jokingly gasp and grab his heart.

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