Chapter 35

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Ayeshas POV

I felt wet kisses being smooched all over my face. I couldn't help but scrunch my nose and let out a slight chuckle. "Stephen, stop," I smiled, as my eyes fluttered open. The first thing my eyes were greeted with was my oh so handsome boyfriend with a huge smile on his face.

"Finally you're awake. I've been waiting the whole morning for you to wake up." Before I could answer, Steph placed a light kiss on my lips and all I could do was smile.

I stretched out my arms and let out one last yawn before snuggling into Steph. "Someone sure is excited to take on the day. I think it's super cute."

"I just have something special planned for the two of us, that's all." My head quickly shot up as I looked at Steph.

"What is it?" I asked, anxious for the answer. Stephen motioned as if he was sealing his lips.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," he smirked. Knowing this wasn't a fight I was going to win, I plopped my head back down.

"Ugh, but I wanna know now," I tried one last time. But knowingly, he kept his lips sealed. "One hint?" He shook his head no. "Come on babe!"

"Nope, but you do need to get ready." The face he was giving me knew damn well he left me anxious.


We got into Stephens car after a delicious meal at an incredibly nice restaurant. I bet this little baby inside me was happy with that. My heart was happy and my guts were full. "Thank you so much love, that was really special." I leaned over across the dashboard and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He shot me a smirkish look. "What?"

"That was only the beginning, babygirl."

And with that he started the car as we made our way to our, or my, next mysterious location. As always I tried to get something out of him but failed. He would just say I hope you like it.

After a while Stephen took a turn onto a dirt road. It took a while, but I soon realized where we were going. And a couple of minutes into the dirt road, we were finally here.

I got out of the car and let my eyes wander across the beautiful scenery. It was our spot. Stephen and I's spot. We came here almost every week when we were in college six years ago. And yet, nothing's changed.

Suddenly I remembered the tree where Stephen and I carved our names. I waisted no time walking over to it. And there it was.

S.C + A.A

With a heart surrounding it. I ran my fingers over it as I looked back at Steph. He was walking over to me, with a blanket in hand. "I love you so much for this," I told him. He gave me a sweet smile and I leaned in and gave him a passionate kiss.

Pulling away, he lifted up the blanket he held in his hands. "Star gazing?" I nodded my head, wrapping my arm around his. After he set the blanket down, we made ourselves comfortable before staring up the stars. The bright full moon, giving us light, made it even better.

"It's so beautiful," I whispered. I was in complete awe. This moment was absolutely perfect.

"I love you so much." I could feel Steph's voice vibrate against mine. The fact that it was so random, and so genuine it made my heart ache.

But, "I love you too," is all that came out. I casually said it, trying to keep my cool. All I could do was bite my smiling lip. Every time we said I love you it felt like the first time.

"Where do you see our future?" Earlier on into the relationship I would've been taken back by the question. But now I could answer it to how I truly felt.

"Where do I see our future?" Stephen hummed. "I see us being married, living in our big California house with our kids running around," I smiled at the thought. "Our careers are going great, and we're happy. Everything in life is just perfect. For the rest of our lives," I said, with no hesitation.

"Me too. That's exactly how I feel. Which is why I'm doing this." I looked at him confusingly, oblivious to what he was doing. And when he got down on one knee right in front of me, tears immediately filled my eyes. He pulled a box out of his pocket, opening it revealing a beautiful ring.

"Steph," I uttered. It was all I could say.

"Ayesha, I love you so much and you make me feel things I've never felt. I seriously don't know what I would do without you, because you really are my better half. I can't even imagine what would've happened if we didn't run into each other that one day at Davidson when we first met." I chuckled recalling the event from the day. I'm so glad I fell into him. "And as cheesy as it sounds, I knew you were gonna be the one right then and there. Even if it meant the distance, and not being together for five years. Cause in the end it was all worth it. I'm here with you, and I wouldn't have it any other way." He stopped for a moment. "I love you so much, and I would love it even more if you'd be my wife. I want to grow old with you as we raise our kids. Anything at all, as long as it's you." And then he popped the question. "Ayesha Alexander, will you marry me?"

At this point the tears were just flowing. Was this really happening? I nodded my head trying to control my sobs. "Of course."

He slid the ring on to my finger before locking our lips together. This kiss was different from the others, it had no possible explanation.

"You just made me the happiest man on this earth," he told me, kissing me again. The tears wouldn't quit falling!

"I love you so much Stephen," I mumbled against his lips. "So, so much!"

"I love you, Ish." He brushed my hair out of my face and wiped away my tears. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"And I can't wait-." After a sudden jolt of pain to my stomach, I felt a liquid running down my legs. "For this baby to come," I whispered.

"What was that?" Stephen asked. He followed my gaze, looking down at the small puddle under me.

"Looks like this baby is ready to make an entrance."

Ahhh! Thank you so much for reading!
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