Chapter 29

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Ayeshas POV

"Steph what are you doing?" I said groggily. Ever since I've told him I was pregnant he was spending every chance he could possibly get with my belly.

"Just saying good morning to my baby, well both of my babies," He cheesed. "So good morning," he said, kissing my belly between every word. "And good morning to you," he smiled, coming up and kissing my lips.

"Good morning babe." I got up and put on a sweatshirt heading towards the bathroom to do my morning routine. And once I was finished, I found myself starting at the body mirror with my shirt pulled up. I couldn't help but smile seeing a tiny 2 month belly bump in the making.

Steph came from behind and wrapped his arms around me. "What are you doing in here?"

"Look," I smiled, moving so he could get a better look. He instantly had the biggest smile on his face. He put his bare hands on my belly and I leaned back into him.

"I can't wait, these next 7 months can't go by any longer," he murmured into my neck making me giggle.

"Shouldn't I be showing more?" I sighed, focusing on my belly again. "Should I call a doctor?"

Stephen chuckled and shook his head no. "Baby, you're just excited. You'll start to see a bigger bump in no time at all and start using one of those body pillows as your cuddle source instead of me," he teased, making me chuckle. "Let's go. I made some breakfast."

I followed him out of the bathroom and down into the kitchen. I waisted no time making my plate making Steph laugh. "Most of it is for our baby," I defended.

"Hey, I didn't say anything!" He chuckled putting his arms up in surrender. We both sat along the island and dug right in. This was some pretty good breakfast considering Steph's only occasionally bringing the chef book out.

"You know, I should probably get pregnant more often if it means I get treated like this," I teased.

"Oooh I like the sound of that idea," he said wiggling his brows. "Serious," he added.

I was about to reply until I felt my insides coming up. I ran to the nearest bathroom and let out everything, and Steph was right behind me to hold back my hair.

"Just 7 more months," I coughed, wiping my face off with a cold rag.


Stephens POV

Today we didn't do much. I went to the gym but I didn't stay for long because I hated leaving Ayesha alone when she was pregnant. I'm still beyond excited, by the way.

The sun was starting to set and we were just sitting in our pool outside. A lot of our days were like this now, and we wouldn't have it any other way.

I was massaging Ayesha's back since it was killing her these days. But sometimes I think she uses it to her advantage. I'm good with it though.

"You have know idea how good that feels, Steph," she sighed.

"I know other ways I can make you feel good!" I teased, earning a slap from her.

"You're literally to much to handle. Now I have to handle you plus this little baby inside of me. I have no idea how I'm gonna deal," she laughed.

"You love me and you know it," I said kissing her cheek. She smiled and pulled her face away.

"Indeed I do," she blushed. She was seriously the cutest thing on planet earth. Which means our baby is going to be absolutely beautiful.

"So when are we gonna make this public? You being pregnant?"

"We have to wait a while. Make sure everything's okay with the baby and all. Maybe another month or so?" She explained. I nodded my head and agreed with her. I chuckled remembering the way our family and friends reacted when they found out. They were all about it.

"If our family and friends got hype when they found out, imagine how the people will react!"

She chuckled, "I can tell you one thing. A lot of woman are going to despise me because in order to have a baby inside me, it means I would have to get dicked down. And they will get jealous because it was me and not them that you dicked down."

I laughed at how serious she was being. "Don't worry baby, it's just me and you. Come 7 months then it will be me, you, and our babygirl."

"Nah, it's definitely going to be a boy. I have confidence," she fired back.

"You can wish that all you want, but it's not going to happen. I know what kinds of sperm I'm sending down there," I smirked causing her to gasp and bust out laughing.

"Do you want to keep the gender a surprise until the day our baby is born or do you want to wait until it's born?" She asked, turning her body so we were face to face.

"Let's keep it a surprise. It's obviously all your decision, but I think we should wait till the day of. It will make the moment 10x more exciting," I explained, wrapping my arms around her neck.

"That's sounds amazing," she sighed, resting her head on my chest. "Do you have any names in mind?" She looked up at me waiting for my answer.

"I have a few.."
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3x baby! 🏆🏆🏆

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