Chapter 17

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There is a few references from the first book, so if you get confused you might have to go take a quick glance at the chapters that include this.

Ayeshas POV-

"I don't, I guess just seeing him with that other girl made me mad, we are still good though, I think," I trailed off with my mind too much on Stephen right now.

"Well have you talked to him? Is he coming to the festival with us today?" Blaire asked shoving her ice cream into her face. I rested my head back on a pillow and looked at the ceiling.

"Yeah I have. He's coming, we have texted here and there, it's just awkward, you know?"

"Well you know what they say, it's only awkward if you make it awkward, so just don't make it awkward," she shrugged putting her ice cream down.

"Easier said than done," I chuckled before going to get a bite of the ice cream. "Oh my Blaire, did you eat it all?!" I said raising my brows and smiling.

"Sorry I couldn't help myself," she innocently smiled. "Ice cream is just so good!"

"Well for how skinny you are I'm surprised cause you eat like a pig, while me on the other hand can eat a freaking grape and get bloated," I said putting my hands on my stomach, I looked at Blaire who was giving me a death glare. I couldn't help but grin.

"Well obviously that body is banging if Steph keeps going back to it," she said making me blush. Then Klay came in with a bag from the store and handed it to Blaire. She pulled out another thing of ice cream and immediately opened it.

"You asked for more ice cream?!" I laughed. She seriously was on one today. She nodded her head yes with some ice cream on the corner of her lips.

"Babe, can you put the other one in the freezer?" She asked Klay who happily obliged.

"Damn," I chucked getting up. "Well I gotta go get ready, I'll see you soon. Don't eat to much ice cream," I said giving her a wink. She rolled her eyes and flipped me off.


I was walking up and down the shores waiting for everyone else to show up. Everyone was late and it was quite irritating considering they're the ones who wanted to come here the most.

I was about to get out my phone and call Blaire, but when I saw them in my line of sight through the crowded people, I put my phone down and headed their way.

"Ish." I looked to my side and saw Steph. We shared quick smiles before Klay and Blaire came over.

"Wanna go get setup?" Blaire asked breaking the deadly silence between the four of us. I smiled nodding my head as we followed Blaire and got situated.

"I gotta go pee," Blaire said before bailing out on us, leaving me, Klay, and Steph. Well really just leaving me. Klay and Steph were so engaged in conversation and I was just sitting there looking like a loner. I was looking around not knowing what else to do when I felt Steph put his hand on mine. Thank god, he must've knew how awkward I felt. I looked over at him but he was still talking with Klay.

Finally after what seemed like forever Blaire came back and the music started. The sun was starting to set with all of its beauty. But that wasn't distracting me from the point that Steph and I haven't even said two words to each other. I thought we were good?

Then finally he stopped talking to Klay and scooted down towards me. He put his arm around my back considering we were sitting down and we watched the music quietly. "You look beautiful, by the way." He whispered into my ear. I gave him a slight smile but didn't say anything back. I was so flustered with my emotions. Although we're together it's just hard to comprehend. We needed to talk about every and any thing to make things normal again.

I started to get a ache in my head, and my eyes started to get blurry. "I'll be right back," I told Stephen who looked at me cautiously but then simply nodded after my convincing look, letting go of my hands.

I went to the restroom and splashed some water on my face. After a few seconds I squinted my eyes and my vision came back. I took a deep breath after reapplying my makeup. I looked in the mirror one last time before walking out. To help the headache I was still suffering from, I decided it was best if I got some water.

After a few minutes of standing in line I finally got my water and starting making my way back. As I was walking I heard someone call my name. I turned around, looking through the crowd. But I didn't have to do any searching, for the person found me.

"Long time no see, huh? What has it been 5, 6 years?" The male said. I took a few steps back and could feel myself rapidly breathing. He came closer to me and tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear. "Awe did you think I was gonna hurt you? That was only for the one time, but if you want, we can do it again," he said with a smirk.

I took his arm and slapped it away from my face. "Jax," I finally managed to spit out. He raised his eyebrows and chuckled in amusement.

"Wow, it looks like baby girl has gotten feistier since the last time I saw her. Matter of fact, the last time I saw you you were weak and afraid."

"Don't call me that," I snapped. "Even though I didn't put your ass in jail when I had the chance, I can still do it. And do it happily so!"

"Why? Because you think you're the shit now? Just because you know how to season some food? Honey you can't do anything about it. But I can give you a reason to put me in jail, or at least try to," he smirked coming closer and closer to me.

"Shut the help up Jax. I'm a completely different person then I was five years ago. But to me it looks like you haven't changed a bit! Still the pathetic, desperate, lonely rapist you are. Leave me alone, you're a waste of my time," I rolled my eyes before walking away. He grabbed my hand and yanked me back.

"Listen here, if we weren't in public I would do the very same thing I did to you years ago," his grip tightened and he pulled me closer.

"Was that a threat? Doesn't really matter to me anyways. You don't have the balls or the guts anymore." This time he got control of both of my arms and pulled as into a private area before slamming me against a wall. "Get the hell off of me," I spat trying to get out of his grip.

"Kinda feels like deja vu, doesn't it?" Jax turned around and I saw Stephen. Thank you god, always coming to my rescue. He pulled Jax off of me. "Oh wait, maybe it's because I have beaten your ass before! Not once, but twice," he said before throwing a fist to his face.

Jax got s few good punches in, but Steph was destroying him. He's getting what he deserved. After a while I went to pull Steph away.

"Steph that's enough," I said attempting to pull him off of Jax. But he was too focused and strong.

"No! It's about time this bitch learned a lesson!" He said I let him get a few punches in before stepping in the middle.

"Steph we're in public," I said and he finally stopped. He probably wouldn't have if I wasn't between him and Jax.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He asked scanning my body for any marks that could have possibly been from him.

"I'll be fine," I said. We looked at each other for a few moments before I pulled him into a hug. "Can we just get out of here? I'm tired and have a headache."

He pulled away and sentimentality nodded his head yes.
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