Chapter 34

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Ayeshas POV

"That was the longest flight ever," I whined, dragging my feet across the airport parking lot. We were finally in Charlotte, and I couldn't be any more excited.

Stephen chuckled. "Tell me about it. You were basically laying on top of me the whole time." I playfully rolled my eyes at him, locking our hands together. "I can still barely feel my arm," he teased.

"You know you could've just woken me up." We put our luggage into our ride, and hopped in the back.

"No. We both know that would've been the end of me." I laughed into his chest before landing my head onto his shoulder. "Ow, that's the dead arm!"

I scoffed before sitting up straight. "Shut up you big baby."

"I'm just kidding Ish!" Stephen laughed, trying to get my attention as I looked out of the window. I looked at him, as he looked at me and he guided my head back to his shoulder.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, my hands immediately grabbing around my belly. "Ow!" I cursed, clenching my teeth.

"What's wrong?" Stephen asked with a worried look on his face. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I think so. Our baby is just really excited to be in Charlotte." Then I felt another sharp pain. "Really excited," I barely uttered.

"Do we need to go to the hospital?" I shook my head no while taking deep breaths.

"Let's just get to the house," I sighed, trying to get myself comfortable. Steph nodded, wrapping an arm around me.

After about 3o minutes the pain slowly died down. We pulled into Stephens gated driveway in to his Charlotte home. He made sure to keep his own house in his hometown.

Steph grabbed our luggage catching up to me as I wobbled to the front door. After unlocking it I first went to the kitchen to down 3 cups of water. I sat down on the couch, flipping through channels to eventually land on the news. Shortly after Stephen joined me as I cuddled up next to him.

I slowly woke up to see I was in Steph's arms as we climbed up the stairs. I was surprised to see he was still able to carry my fat ass. "I don't know why," I started, in a groggy voice. "But something about this is undeniably sexy, and a major turn on." I closed my eyes before starting again. "But I can't think about that right now, cause I'm tired and need to give these babies some rest."

I heard Stephen chuckle as we reached his room. He sat me down on pulled the covers over me. "I think that's the pregnancy hormones talking."


"What's the plans for today?" I asked Steph as he walked out of the bathroom. He had nothing but a towel around his waist, and damn he looked good.

"Hmm, I don't know. How about this?" Steph smirked, making his way over to me. He kissed me once on my lips, jaw, and neckline. I started to giggle, but that giggle quickly turned into a moan.

"Okay, boy. If you don't stop we will never get this day started." I put some distance between the two of us, making sure it stayed that way. "And that's no bueno."

"Ugh, fine," he whined, walking over to his dresser to pick out clothes for the day. And once he did, I willing and engagingly watched the show. Damn I uttered underneath my breath.

"Is there any other way I can entertain you some more?" He asked with a devilish smirk. As tempting as it sounded, we really needed to get the day started.

I put my hand out walking to the bathroom. "I know what your doing Stephen, and it's not working!" I protested, starting my makeup. I heard him chuckle as he followed me into the bathroom.

He slithered his arms around me from my behind, as I felt his every breath. "And what exactly am I doing?"

"You're-," his breathing was driving me insane. I turned around and smashed my lips against his. "I have to get ready," I murmured against his lips, then, he pulled away.

"Then get ready," he panted, slowly moving backwards.

"But that can wait," I said, before he could get any further. I grabbed his wrist yanking him back towards me, but my big belly didn't let him get very close. Well this was awkward. I closed my eyes, letting out a small chuckle. "Actually I think I'll just get ready."

Stephen looked down at my belly, biting his lip to contain his laugh. "I'll be in our room."

"What exactly am I getting ready for?"

"Dinner with both the parents."



It was me, Steph and both of our parents sat down at a somewhat isolated table. It was so good to see everyone again, because it's been so long for both.

"I can't believe I'm going to have my first grandchild! I've been waiting for this moment. And I'm so happy that it gets to be from you, Ayesha! I was always rooting for you, that's why I'm so glad you and Stephen got back together!" Sonya said. I missed her presence.

"Thank you, Sonya! Me too. What can I say? Your sons quite the charmer!" I saw Stephen smirk out of the corner of my eye. "I just want this little man out, he's wearing me out!"

"He?" Sonya questioned.

"She hopes it's a boy that way later on down the road when we have more children they will have an older brother to look up to, but we don't know yet, we're keeping it a surprise. I'm personally rooting for a girl," Stephen explained.

"It's nice to see you guys have your future figured out. I'm happy for the two of you!" My mom explained.

"Want to go get a drink, Mr. Alexander?" Steph asked my dad. Shortly they headed to the bar.

"I wonder what that was about," I asked, my eyes following the two.

"Probably just guy talk.

Stephens POV

"Yes, you have my blessing."

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