Chapter 24

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Special S/O to drakexcurryxjerika for offering to make me a cover and making a pretty dope one at that ¯\_()_/¯
Go check it & the page out!

Ayeshas POV

"You ready to go?" Stephen asked me just as I was finishing putting the final touches on my makeup. I nodded my head and laced my sandals up. "Damn you lookin' like a snack!"

I rolled my eyes causing him to let out a slight chuckle. He came over to me wrapping his arms around me and kissing my forehead. "Let's go." He held out his hand for me to take as we headed out.

Tonight was our last night here, and as much as I'm gonna miss it, I'm ready to be home. Everyone knows sleeping in your own bed is the best type of sleeping. We got in the boat and started to head to our destined location.

"Damn," I said holding my head. "I never get seasick but this vacation is killing me..." Stephen started to rub my back soothing me.

"Are you okay babygirl? We can just-." I held my hand up cutting him off. I ran to the side of the boat and let out what I had for lunch today and then some. I looked up at Stephen who was hardcore cringing. The dirty look I gave made him soften up.

"This is a great start to our night," I teased making the both of us chuckle. "I feel better though.. that should've been the last and only time."

"Whatever you say, but next time we go on vacation make sure to remind me to avoid boating at all times. If you keep throwing up like that I'm just not sure how this is gonna work," he joked with the biggest smile on his face. I let out a small smile before slapping his arm.

"Keep testing me Wardell." He smirked and went back to sit while I got a water. A Fiji water to be exact, the type Blaire loved. I need to talk to her, I haven't since we got here.
"Thank you ma'am," Steph smiled as the waiter walked away. Steph threw a fifty on the table before he came to the other side of the booth taking my hand.

We walked out of the restaurant and were immediately met with the smell of the salty ocean.

"We should probably walk this time, cause honestly me and that boat aren't a good mix," I sighed. I rested my head on Stephens shoulder, wrapping my two arms around one of his.

My toes tickled in the sand as we walked. "Are you feeling better? That seemed pretty rough."

"I'm good. And how is the wonderful Stephen Curry doing?"

"Well considering I'm on a perfect island, with a perfect girl by my side, I don't think life could get much better."

I looked up at him only to see him already looking back down at me. I gave him a light smile before pecking him on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you even more," he responded before giving me one last delicate kiss on the lips.

"Not even possible," I mumbled into his shoulder as we started to walk along the ocean again.

"But it is," he said. I smiled shaking my head. I knew this could go on forever so I'll just let it be, for now.

A glow from the ocean caught me eye as we were walking. I pulled Stephen and I over to see the ocean lightly lit up, here and there, from jellyfish.

"It's so beautiful." I awed at the rare view. "It's amazing.."

Stephen pulled me down on his lap. "Yes it is. That's why we're gonna sit here, and just enjoy this moment."

"That's sounds perfect to me," I said cuddling into his chest. It was so peaceful and relaxing. With the occasional splash, and animal noises.

"I could stay here, in this moment, forever," I said, closing me eyes and sighing.

"Me too, I have everything I need and want right besides me." I kissed Steph on the shoulder then leaned back onto his chest for a few moments moments.

"But we can't, cause someone decided to book a flight that has a call time of 4 in the morning," I laughed getting up. I held out my hands to
help him up.

"Cause we got places to go, people to see," Steph chuckled.

"Hey, if you're gonna quote someone your gonna have to at least give them credit," I joked making Steph roll his eyes.

"More, I want more, need more. I need you Wardell. Give it to me. Said by Ayesha Alexander, while moaning, on July 28, last night," he said with a smirk making my jaw drop.

"You got jokes, huh?" I said giving him a slap on his arm. We both just ended up laughing without a care in the world.

We made it back to the beach house and I was about to get ready for bed considering how tired I was, but Steph was insisting I got in the hot tub with him.

"No Steph, I'm tired," I whined, plopping down on the bed. "Aren't you?"

"No. Come on, Ish. It's our last night here, lets make the most of it." When I shook my head no he just had to give me the irresistible puppy dog look that made him so damn adorable.

"Fine. Only for a little bit though." He gave me a huge smile and threw me my bikini. What a dork.

Once I was done putting on my bikini I went outside to Steph who was already in the hot tub. I got in and immediately felt as ease.

Steph wrapped a arm around me and I leaned onto his shoulder. He must've noticed me rubbing the knot in my back cause he repositioned ourselves and started to massage me, making me let out a slight moan.

Soon enough we were in a full makeout session, expectedly. And when we actually did finally get to bed, it seemed as if we woke up seconds later cause Stephens early flight call. That man.
Thank you for reading!!!
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(dramaaaa coming soon;))

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