Chapter 14

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Ayesha's POV

"So you haven't spoken to him since that night?" Blaire questioned. Blaire was finally back from her honeymoon with Klay, and now I don't have to feel as much lonely anymore. And of course, her being my best friend, I had to spill all the details of what happened while she was gone.

"No! I've been waiting for a text, or for a call from him and I've gotten nothing. Maybe it was just like a one night stand," I groaned holding my head in my hands. It's been three days since that night with Stephen and he hasn't said a word to me, nothing! It's all I could think about.

"You know, you could always reach out to him first? There's no harm in it, and maybe Stephen is getting just as frustrated as you are," Blaire suggested with sympathy in her eyes. "And must I say, you're nasty! I thought you just hated Steph, huh? Now your off sleeping with him like these five years haven't happened. Look at my best friend go!" she cheered doing some dorky dance move. I laughed at her playfully rolling my eyes.

"I missed you so much, Mrs. Thompson," I said, making sure to emphasize the last part. She chuckled and pulled me into a hug.

"I missed you too," She murmured pulling away. "But really consider reaching out to him, you're overthinking it to much." Blaire, always there giving me advice when I needed it. But I'm not to sure about the advice she was giving me right now.

"Nope," I chuckled, "I'll just have to wait on it." She rolled her eyes and flipped me off. "Girl go back to your boy toy, you obviously need some good d with that attitude of yours."

"Girl shutup!" She said causing us to both laugh. She gathered her stuff and gave me one last hug. "Text me later okay? Love yah!"

I nodded my head yes and pulled away from the hug. "Love you too," I said. She walked out of the large house and I went over to the kitchen. I got some Fuzzy Peaches out and scrolled through my phone.

I stared at Stephens contact name in my phone, debating on whether or not I should takes Blaire's advice and call him. I really wanted to know what was going on with us, and what we were along with many other questions. And she was right, what was the harm in it? Maybe embarrassing myself, getting rejected, who knows.

And just as I was about to call Stephen, it was like he read my mind. I got an incoming call, from the one and only, Steph Curry.

Stephen's POV

After thinking about it long and hard, I decided to call Ayesha. I didn't want to call or text her right away, because that may have made me look like I was just waiting for her, like I was obsessed. But it was killing me, and I had to talk to her.

So I called her, I held the phone to my head and patiently waited. But I didn't have to be patient at all. She answered before it could even ring.

"Stephen, hey!" she said. Hearing her voice made me smile. Something about it makes me so giddy inside.

"Hey Ish, what's up?" I casually asked.

"Nothing to exciting. Blaire was over for a little bit, but she's gone now," she continued to tell me how her day went and we engaged in conversation.

"Well since you don't have anymore plans for the rest of today, I was thinking making we could like, you know, hang out?" I asked. I scratched the back of my neck nervous for her response.

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