Chapter 21

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Ayeshas POV-

"Stephen you know I don't like surprises especially when it involves leaving the country," I pleaded. "So can you just tell me?" I begged hoping he would finally tell me.

"What would be the fun in that?" He said smirking. After the face I gave him he chuckled and pulled me into a hug. "Come on Ish, just pack for hot weather for a week. You'll find out soon enough. Just trust me. And plus we leave in a hour so you kind of need to hurry," he smiled pulling away. He pecked me on the lips.

"Fine," I groaned finally giving in. "I better start packing then." I turned around to go to my closet but then I felt a smack on my ass. I turned around to see Stephen smirking. I raised a brow before walking away.

"This is gonna be the best trip ever," I heard him whisper making me smile. This is actually the first real trip Steph and I will have gone on together. Unless you wanna count coming to California back when we lived in Carolina, but that was young love.

Soon enough we we're path all packed up having one of Steph's driver take us to the airport. I was very anxious to say the least. I locked Stephens and mine hands together and admired the Oakland beauty and all it had to offer.

We passed a park and there was a family pushing their baby boy on the swing and it was the cutest thing ever. I hope that that will be Steph and me one day.

I didn't even realize I fell asleep until I woke up and we were already at the airport. I yawned and stretched out my arms when I heard a chuckle. I turned around and saw Steph laughing at me.

"Before and after you fall asleep you are like in some sort of trance. It's like you don't know what you're doing but your doing it. It's hilarious," Stephen said laughing while getting out of the car. I slapped him on the arm.

"Stop making fun of me!" Stephen paid his driver after we got all of our luggage as we made our way into the airport. We went to the desk so Steph could talk to the workers about the arrangements with his private plane.

People were starting to recognize Steph and it was getting annoying. The looks that woman were giving him basically proved that they were stripping him down with there eyes. So I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him on the shoulder.

"I see your marking your territory," he said when the worker went back to grab something. I looked up at him to see his famous smirk. I rolled my eyes and looked around.

"Well I kind of have to considering all these girls would do you right here." He shook his head and laughed. Hey, I was just stating the truth. The worker Steph was talking to earlier came back and headed Steph some papers.

"Have a safe flight and a wonderful trip, Mr. Curry!" The two men shook hands before Steph grabbed mine as we made our way to his plane.

We boarded up and soon enough we were in the air. We were snuggled up as I watched out the window seeing our beautiful earth.

After a couple of hours in the air, I decided to break the silence.

"Steph you spoil me way too much," I admitted. The silence gave me lots of time to think, and this specific subject is always lingering on my mind.

"Well of course I do, your my baby." He chuckled and started to rub my back. I moved my head so I we were looking at each other in the eyes.

"No, seriously. I feel like you're always doing so much for me and I'm not doing enough for you." He looked at me with furred eyebrows. I moved my head back to where it was resting on his shoulder and sighed.

"No, Ish, why are you thinking all of this? If anything it's the opposite. So don't even think that for one second." He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"I don't know. I guess I just feel like your putting in all the work in our relationship, and, I don't know, I'm just here," I whispered. I looked down and started playing with my fingers. Steph took his two fingers and gently moved my chin so I was looking at him.

"Come on, Ish. Don't think that. We're both here for the long ride and we're both putting in equal amounts of effort. You literally do so much for me and us. I don't even know why you're thinking like that, it's nonsense." I bit my lip and looked down. "Ayesha, look at me." I sighed as I looked up into his hazel eyes. "I love you, okay? And don't ever think that Ish, it's not at all true. You understand?" He said in a light voice.

I nodded my head slightly with a faint smile. Steph gently pulled me up and kissed me. It was simple. Passionate, yet fierce and filled with love.

Things were starting to escalate but then we were interrupted by Steph's pilot speaking over the intercom. "We will be landing in 15 minutes, Mr. Curry!"

I anxiously looked out the window. The view was filled with different islands, surrounded by the bright blue ocean. It was breathtaking. "Steph, it's beautiful," I said never taking my eyes off of the view. Then suddenly I was starting to recognize the beautiful place we were hovering over. The place that everyone knows of, everyone wishes to go, especially me.

"Welcome to Bora Bora, babygirl."
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