Chapter 15

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Ayeshas POV

"Girl, we need to find you a man," I said scrolling through Netflix indecisive of what to watch. It was currently around 10 pm and we've been looking for something to watch for a solid 10 minutes.

"We both need to find a man," she said and I tried to hide my smirk. Only if she knew. "We should go clubbing tonight! Get some good looking men!" Sydel teased.

I threw a piece of popcorn into my mouth then looked at Sydel. "Nah," we both said at the same time. We bursted out in laughter.

"I'm so happy we are hanging out right now! I've missed you," I said causing her to chuckled.

"Girl I've missed you too! I'm glad I got to move into the area," she told me. I was about to answer but then my phone went off. I ran to my cell phone and saw it was Stephen.

I had to make sure Sydel didn't know who I was talking too. Stephen and I thought we should keep, whatever we have, I don't even know what is, on the down low. Him and Camila are threw and that was a pretty big thing, and that small thing I had with Anthony even had people talking, so we didn't want the media to find out and shit talk us, basically. And plus I don't want people to think I'm a hoe.

I smiled and picked up the phone. "Hey mom!" I said, I heard Steph chuckle.

"What? I'm not your mom, but I can definitely be your daddy," he said causing me to hardcore blush.

"Umm no. But nothing much, just hanging out with Sydel," I explained trying to get the hint across to Stephen.

"Seriously? Hanging out with my sister over me? That hurts man," he joked causing me to chuckle.

"I just picked the better option, honestly," I teased. He chuckled.

"Oh I see how it is, sassy pants," he replied. I could picture the smile on his face.

"I should get going, bye ma!" I said but he stopped me before I could hang up.

"No wait. I need to talk to you. It's important," he replied, catching my attention.

"About what?" I anxiously asked waiting for the answer.

"That's why I was calling. Can you come over? It's best it's not over the phone," he said. He sounded kind of serious so I was starting to get worried.

"Well I'm kind of occupied right now, so I'm not sure," I replied as I chewed on my fingernails.

"Oh, it's okay," he said I heard the disappointment in his voice. "I'll let you go now, Ish. Goodnight-."

"Wait!" I stopped him. I looked over at Sydel who was looking at me. I smiled at her, then walked outside to my patio. "But I could always come when she falls asleep?"

"If you really want too, I guess it can wait-."

"No, I'll be there. See you soon Steph," I said, then I hung up the phone and made my way back to Sydel.

"Hey, sorry that took so long." I gave her an appreciative smile then got settled back in to my original position.

"Nah it's alright. Family stuff, I getcha! Oh, and I found something to watch," she said. We both agreed on it.

Okay, this movie was scary as hell! Not to mention the fact it was pitch black and no one was here to protect us. This shit was next level scary.

There was this serial killer who would dress up as animals and just brutally kill people. I can't even right now.

When the creepy music started playing towards the climax of the movie I couldn't take it anymore.

"Turn it off! Turn it off!" I cried closing my eyes. When I looked over at Sydel she was knocked out. I quickly took the remote and slowly got up. I put on my sweatshirt and slippers and left my house, making sure to lock the door behind me for the sake of Sydel after watching that movie.

As I was driving to Steph's place I couldn't help but wonder what he wanted to talk about. We've been hanging out constantly these past few weeks and everything seemed to be going good. What if he was breaking off whatever we had? He seemed pretty serious. Stop being so paranoid Ish!

I arrived at his doorstep and knocked a couple of times. When he didn't answer at first so many possibilities came into my my mind. What if the serial killer killed him?
Oh my gosh. I'm out here, alone, in the dark, I'm a perfect target for a victim!

I scream when the door flew open. I started running when I saw the mask. An animal mask. The same type the serial killer would use. I ran to my car but the figure stayed close behind.

When I reached my car and tried open but it was locked. Tears began to roll down my face. I was shaking as I tried to pull my keys out of my pocket to the point where the keys feel down. I bent down and grabbed them and when I got up the figure was right there, standing in front of my door.

I was about to scream bloody murder but they covered my mouth with their hand. Then I heard chuckling, I was beyond confused. Then the person took their mask off and my jaw dropped.

"Stephen!" I cried, looking away from him to avoid eye contact. He continued to laugh. I was so embarrassed. I started to walk away but he came to my side.

"Ish," he managed to say, but when we made eye contact he started laughing again. I slapped him on his arm.

"It's not funny!" I sassed as we walked into his house. "How'd you even know?"

"I think you forgot that you're logged into my Netflix account, so I can kind of see everything you're doing," he grinned, as he closed his door.

"I was crying because of you, you asshole!"

"I didn't know you were gonna cry," he chuckled. "And plus I've seen that movie. It's so unrealistic, so I'm not sure why you got all freaked out."

"Shutup you ass," I said causing him to smirk. "What did you want to talk about anyways. It's like almost 3 in the morning and you seemed so urgent." I was nervous for his response.

"Hey, I said it could have waited, but you insisted," he said cashing me to roll my eyes.

"That's besides it, just get to the point," I said in anticipation causing him to smirk.

"What did I want to talk about?" He asked taking a step closer to me and grabbing my hand. I nodded my head and awaited his answer.

"This," He said before smashing his lips against mine. It took me by shock at first, but then I started to kiss back. He picked me up then led us to his bedroom. He took my shirt off, then I took his off too. I pulled away and grasped for air.

"Was this seriously what you wanted to talk about?" I said in between breaths. He smirked then nodded his head.

"What can I say? I was craving you," He rasped before smashing his lips back onto mine.
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