Chapter 5

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Ayesha's POV-

"Thanks for tonight. I always love spending time with you," Anthony said. I smiled and closed the gap between us. I pulled him into a hug. After a few seconds I pulled away. Next things next we were kissing. And man, I was enjoying every minute of it. "I really, really love spending time with you," he said in a whisper.

"You too," I smiled. We said our last goodbyes and he left my house. I was about to get ready for bed when I got a call from Blaire.

"Yo, what's up?" I asked, going to the kitchen.

"I need you to come over," she replied.

"And why is that?" I asked, getting a delicious green apple out of the fridge.

"Because Klay decided to have the team over. And I mean whole team. And I am the only girl. So I need to come save me."

"No," I replied, taking a bite into my apple.

"What why?!"

"Because if the whole team is there. That means punk ass bitch Steph is gonna be there. And after what occurred a few days ago, just no."

"Please we can hang in my room and just watch movies, there in the backyard they won't even know you're here," she begged.


"Really? That easy?"

"Well yeah. I'm not gonna let my best friend suffer. And I have been wanting to watch Fifty Shades Freed, so why not?"

"Okay see you soon," she said. I could hear the excitement in her voice. I changed into some
more of the comfy type clothes, and threw my hair up into a messy bun. I got in my car, started to drive to Blaire's, but making sure I dropped by the store to get some ice cream.

I finally arrived to the future Thompson House. I walked in without knocking knowing all the boys were in the backyard, and Blaire was in her room. I went straight to her room and saw her laying in her bed.

"Hey Ish!"

"Hey," I said walking over to the bed, "and before I get in when is the last time you washed your sheets?"

"Yesterday," I nodded okay and got in, "but right before the boys came over me and Klay had a quickie."

"Ew! Um oh my gosh!" I yelled getting out of that bed in record time.

"I'm kidding! Calm down. You're all good," she said. I sighed in relief. "So Fifty Shades Freed?" Blaire asked me. I nodded my head and we started the movie. About 45 minutes Blaire broke the silence.

"I've literally done all this shit with Klay, I thought I was gonna learn some new tips!" Blaire said causing me to cringe.

"You shoulda just kept that in your head," I said trying to shake that thought out of my head.

"Wait, Wait! Okay," she paused the movie and looked at me. "That stuff Steph said the other day was full on savage like woah. I did not see that coming. He was like 'I made you limp three days after and your walking perfectly fine now' like woah I can't even!"

"I know right! What shit was that! I did not see that coming then boom. Like did he really have to bring that up?"

"The sexual tension between you two was real!"

"Um no way! Definitely not."

"Deny it all you want, but it's true."

I rolled me eyes playfully, "Whatever. While it's paused I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I said getting up.

"Hey go get me a soda while you're at it!" She yelled before I exited the room. I gave her a thumbs up and started to walk downstairs.

While I was getting Blaire's drink I ran into a large figure. "I'm so sor-," I stopped once I realized who it was, "oh it's you. Then I'm not sorry," I smirked. I could smell the alcohol from his breath. He walked closer to me, causing me to walk backwards. Eventually he had me pinned up against the wall.

"Acting like you hate me and stuff," he said. His breath hit my neck causing shivers to run down my body. "It's cute, really, but cut the act," He rasped. I moved away so he wasn't pinning me anymore.

"The thing is Stephen, it's not an act. And you're drunk," I rolled my eyes and grabbed Blaire's drink. Next thing you know I was pinned up against the wall, once again.

"So you're saying you don't miss this?" He said, then kissed my jawline. I got out of his grip.

"You have a girlfriend Stephen. And I'm not interested. So boy, bye. And have fun with the hangover buddy," I smirked before heading back upstairs.

"What took you so long?"

"Drunk people," I replied getting comfy again.

"Go figure."

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