Chapter 32

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New book!! It's another Steph and Ayesha book, and it's called End Game. Make sure to check it out! Y'all better be ready ;)

Third Persons POV

"Ayesha, babe. Hurry up, your walking really slow." Stephen said looking behind him. His girlfriend stopped dead in her tracks and looked at him.

"Well I'm sorry the girl you got pregnant has a big ass belly bump and can't get to places fast. But go ahead, carry on!" She snapped sarcastically. Stephen threw his hands up in defense and waited for her to be able to aid to her.

Being deep into her pregnancy that's one of the downfalls Stephen had to deal with. Her being extra snappy and moody. But Stephen always kept the outcome of this all front and center.

Finally, Ayesha wobbled her way all the way to Stephen. She clung on to him as they finally got to the waiting room. Ayesha took no time making herself comfortable.

"Babe, can you massage my feet? They're really swollen," Ayesha expressed already plopping her bare feet onto Stephens lap.

"You know I would, but don't you think it's a bit weird in the waiting room of a hospital? And it's not very sanitary," Stephen started.

"We are in a damn hospital, do you really think it's gonna be sanitary at all?" She fired back, tapping her feet on Stephens lap. Stephen did as she said and started to massage her feet.

After a few minutes Klay walked into the waiting room with a huge smile plastered into his face. Stephen glanced down at Ayesha who was knocked out cold. He gently placed her feet down and walked towards Klay.

"So did Blaire have the baby?" Steph asked Klay, seeing he was in high spirits.

"No but we're close. This is so exciting man, I can't wait!" Klay bragged. Stephen smiled seeing his best friend so happy.

"I can't wait till I get to experience it! Not to far away," Stephen smiled happily, looking back at a very sleeping Ayesha.

"You can go home you know. Just come and visit the new addition in the morning. She's knocked out." Klay said directing his attention to Ayesha.

"If Ish knew I took her home before Blaire had her baby that would be the end of me." The two boys shared a laugh before they were interrupted.


Klay raised his brows and looked at me. "Well thats my queue," he chuckled.

"Good luck man, I'm praying for you." They dapped up before each making their way to their woman.

And just as if it was perfect timing, a couple hours later Ayesha was waking up the same time as Klay was walking out to them.

"The baby is here." The smile on Klay's face never went away. The couple followed Klay and met the new bundle of joy.

And after hours of laughs, smiles, and interacting with the new happy baby boy, Steph and Ayesha decided it was time to go home and let the family be.

"I think once I fall asleep I'm never gonna be able to wake up," Ayesha whined, falling onto her and Steph's bed. Steph chuckled before walking out of the bathroom and towards the bed.

Ayesha couldn't help but stare at the shirtless figure. Stephen noticed her eyes attached to him and smirked.

"How about you put me to sleep?" Ayesha asked innocently, taking Stephen back by surprise. He chuckled and joined her in bed.

"As much as I would love to take you up on that offer, and how much I love how horny you are when your pregnant, I think it's best for the both of us if we get some rest," Stephen said pulling Ayesha onto his chest.

Ayesha pouted. "You're no fun."

"You'll be thanking me later babe." The couple laid in a comfortable silence in each other's arm. Ayesha sat up feeling her stomach with a huge smile.

"What is it?" Stephen asked, sitting up with her. Without saying a word, she simply grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach. Stephen started to smile too, feeling the small thumps of their baby kicking."

"You know, Klay and Blaire having their baby today made me more excited than I already was. I just can't wait till our little girl is with us," Stephen said, laying his head gently on her stomach.

"Nope, little boy," Ayesha smirked, popping the 'p'. "But me too. My heart is overwhelmed with joy. I have everything I want and need."

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