Chapter 10

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Ayesha's POV-

"You look beautiful Blaire, Klay is going to be stunned when he sees you, damn everybody will," I said before snapping a few photos of her on my phone.

"Right back at you, but you also look very tired," Blaire chuckled.

"Because I am. I only got like 3 hours of sleep," I said and Blaire raised her eyebrows.

"What why? You're going to have to stay up late tonight to, so you can't be tired on me!"

"I was just thinking all night and couldn't fall asleep. And don't worry Blaire I'll party all night just for you."

"Now that's my girl!"

"Dude, I just realized I failed the one task you gave me.."

"What are you talking about?" She asked chuckling.

"My mission to bring a plus one. I'm going to be a loner all night."

"What why? Why isn't Anthony coming?"

"Well he kind of broke up with me. Seems to be a trend in my life," I mumbled.

She pulled me into a hug. "Awe it will be alright . Except who are you going to walk down the aisle with?"

"No one? Really it's okay."

"You have to walk down the aisle with somebody. It's okay, we will find you someone when guests start to arrive."

I chuckled, "Whatever you say Blaire. Now I'm to go downstairs and check on everything, Okay? You obviously can't come because you are the bride."

"Kay, but be quick! I'll get depressed up here all alone!"

"That's me. Literally everyday," I said chuckling while walking out of the door. While I was walking out of Blaire's dressing room, Steph was walking out of Klay's. Perfect timing right? What happened earlier today I was half drunk, and half not.

"Ayesha! Can we please talk?" He said rushing over to my side.

"About what?" I said. Us actually having a conversation right now felt so weird since the other times we have interacted we have been rude to each other.

"You know what.. please just give me 5 minutes," he begged. I pulled him into a empty room and shut the door behind us.

"I just want to make it very clear I never said those things that Camila said I said about you."

"It's fine Steph. I'm over it."

"Well I'm not! Do you believe me?"

"I don't know how am I supposed to?"

"Will you believe me once I tell you I broke up with Camila. She's not coming today, we're done. Not after what she did to you, and she was getting on my nerves anyway."


"Okay what?"

"I believe you," I said getting ready to leave the room.

"Now what?" Stephen asked me.

"What do you mean now what?" I shut the door again, "this is the first real conversation we've had since that night. You can't expect things to be normal between us. You're not the same man I fell in love with and neither am I. We should probably get going. The wedding is starting soon," I said walking out of the room.

"Ish," I heard him say. I checked on everything and it was looking good. I went back up to Blaire's room.

"We better head down. You're walking down that aisle in 10! Are you okay?" I asked once I saw her facial expression.

"Yeah, I'm just really nervous."

"Don't be, you'll be fine."

She got up and we made our way down to the people who were walking down the aisle.

"Shit, Ish! Who's gonna walk you down the aisle?"

"Nobody, I'm just gonna go sit with everyone else."

"Um, most definitely not!"

"Then who's walking me down the aisle?" I chuckled.

"Me," Steph said popping out of nowhere. Before I could say anything Blaire interjected.

"Perfect!" She said cheesing. The wedding planner came up to us.

"Everyone take their positions," she said. I sighed while sanding next to Steph.

"Why are you doing this?" I whispered.

"Well I am kind of the one who left you manless. Can't have you walking down the aisle alone either," he said. The people started walking down the aisle and soon enough it was our turn. He held out his arm for me to take, and I hesitantly did so.


The ceremony was absolutely beautiful. It had me all up in my feels and I couldn't even deal. Now we were all at the afterparty and everyone was getting turnt and lit, especially Klay. He had me laughing.

Then when a slow song came on things got real awkward. Everyone started dancing with their plus one, then there was just me, sitting at a table, alone. I was looking down stirring my drink when someone came over to me. I looked up and saw Steph. He held out his hand.

"Come on. We're dancing," he said.

"I don't think that's such good a good idea," I mumbled.

"So? And who are you to turn down a dance, at least in college you were never doing that," he said moving his hand closer to me. I looked around and saw everyone dancing, and figured, why not?"

I hesitated but eventually took his hand and got up. I walked deeper into the dance floor. I put my hands around his neck, while he put his around my waist. We slowly danced to the rhythm of the song. I made eye contact with Blaire, and she sent me a wink. I looked away, not sending her a signal back. A couple of minutes into this song Steph spoke up.

"You look beautiful by the way," he said fluttering my mind with thoughts.

"Thank you," I mumbled, then broke the eye contact. Then all of a sudden it's like I couldn't think straight. I removed my hands from Steph's neck.

"I'm sorry, I just can't do this anymore," I said, as I breathed heavily.

"Do what?"

"Whatever this is. We can't just start acting like everything is normal, and that these past 5 years haven't happened. We just can't. Things are so much more different. Can you please tell Blaire that I went home? I need to get some rest," I asked him. He understandingly nodded. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I gave him a friendly smile walking away.


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