Chapter 31

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Ayeshas POV

"I still can't believe I'm pregnant at the same time as my best friend. That was like my dream as a little kid!" Blaire shrieked while going through racks of clothes. I chuckled at her goofiness. She's been hyped about this.

"I didn't even see it coming. I mean I'm happy and all, it's just really soon," I sighed. "Stephen and I aren't even married, or even engaged."

Blaire stopped digging through clothes to look at me. "Look, everything will be fine. Who says you have to be married to have children?"

"Me," I whined. "But you're right, even though this kid will be born before we're married and I just feel like it's weird," I said, grabbing my somewhat tiny showing belly.

"You never know. I mean he could pop the question tonight," Blaire proposed. "Everything happens for a reason," she added taking a seat next to me.

I shrugged while answering Steph back. I miss him so much these days even when we've been apart for 5 seconds. "I don't think I should've ate those waffles, B," I groaned starting to feel it come up.

"You've been way sicker then me and I'm 4 more months into it then you," she laughed making me roll my eyes. "Let's get out of here. Don't want you causing a scene and ruining both of our reputations," she joked earning a glare from me.

"Damn, your belly really is huge," I laughed, watching her attempt to walk fast with that big belly of hers.


Blaire dropped me off at the house because I had an appointment with the doctors about this little baby inside of me. Once I was ready I had to wait for Stephen to come back from the gym so we could go together.

I started to grow out of patience waiting on him. If we are late to this I'm going to have some problems.

"Baby?" I heard my boyfriends voice call. I got up from the couch as I heard his footsteps coming closer to me. He smiled as he saw my face but I returned a stern one.

"What took you so long? I thought we were going to be late!" I whined.

He chuckled irking my nerves even more. "I'm here now, right babe?" He came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "And I would never be late to something like this."

"Sorry, I guess I'm just getting super anxious. You know, if we wanted, we can find out the gender today," I proposed, already knowing that Steph was not a fan of the idea. He was about to speak but I stopped him. "But we are waiting to keep it a surprise," I added.

He smiled and gave me a peck on the lips. "Alright, lets go!" He picked me up bridal style and made his way outside.

"What are you doing?" I laughed, holding on to him for dear life. He sat me down on the passenger side of the car before running over to his side.

"Just taking care of my princess," He cheesed. I smiled leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. "Plus, I'm not sure I can handle giving you foot massages anymore. So, can't have those feet getting swollen!" he teased. I attempted to hide my laugh as I playfully slapped him on the arm.


"It's so nice to see you Mr. and Mrs. Curry!" Our doctor greeted, entering the room. Oh shit. I must've failed to mention to her that Steph is my boyfriend.

"Uh," I awkwardly laughed. I looked over at Steph who simply waived it off. Hmm.

"How are we doing today?" She asked as she got situated at her chair. She put on her gloves and got everything prepared.

"Sick," I sighed with a small smile while raising my brows, earning a chuckle from both her and Steph.

"The sickness can really get to you, huh?"

After about 30 minutes the doctor finally had the ultrasound sound going and I was in awe. You could hear the small thumps of our babies heartbeat. Stephen placed his hand in mine as I started to tear up.

After discussing how we wanted to keep the gender a surprise, she went to go and print some pictures off for us.

"Our Baby is going to look just like you." I turned over to Stephen bringing our hands closer to my heart. "I can already tell."

"Like I said, I have killer sperm. Of course she is going to look like me." I gasped and let out a giggle.

"Still hung up on it being a girl, huh?"

Stephens POV

It was around midnight when Ish and I were cuddling in bed. Lately she has been having trouble sleeping, and tonight just happened to be one of those nights.

"What are you thinking about?" I gently asked while tickling her back. She loved when I did that to her.

"How come everyone recommends getting a body pillow when you are pregnant because this is much much better," she sighed, wrapping her leg around me even tighter. I chuckled watching her get comfy.

"You are growing so fast." I placed my hand on her belly and gently rubbed it. She was nearing 4 months, and her belly was really starting to show. I'm surprised the public haven't started to ask questions.

"I'm telling ya, this baby has a big head just like you," she mumbled making me softly chuckle. I could tell she was about to fall asleep, so I shut the lamp off and pulled the covers on. But that stage didn't last long.

I groaned as I grabbed my phone reading Klay's caller ID.

"This better be good man, it's the middle of the night for gods sake!"

"Blaire's water just broke."

Thankssss y'all for reading!
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Till next time

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