Chapter 12

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Ayesha's POV-

These last couple of days it's been hard to sleep for me. I toss and turn and can never just seem to fall asleep. What happened between Steph and I a few days ago was burning through my head and I couldn't shake it off. We haven't talked since then, and part of me was okay with it, the other hated it so bad.

"We can work this out," Stephen whispered finally letting me go. I looked at him dead in the eyes not knowing what to do.

"Look, Ish. I know that things can't just be normal again, and we need time to repair our relationship. All I'm asking for is a second chance. Just one last shot. And you can't wait to give me an answer. Just know I'll be waiting, I'll always be waiting," he said, before tasking a sigh. I just stood there, dumbfounded.

He kissed me on the cheek before making his way out.

I was confused and frustrated. One moment we are cursing each other out the next he's giving his heart to me. And I don't know what the hell to do about.

It was now 5 am, and realizing there'd be no chance of me falling asleep, I got up for the day. I showered, and changed into some comfortable clothes. I went down into my kitchen and made myself a nice, hot cup of coffee.

It was raining today in The Bay. Although it was still dark outside I still heard the thuds of water hitting the roof. Since I loved the smell of rain, I even cracked a few windows.

I snuggled up in a blanket and turned on the morning news, while I was watching his a flash from the windows appeared causing me jump. Did I forget to say I hated storms? The lightning and thunder honestly scared me to death.

I was about to change the channel, but then popped up the one and only Camila Greylee. I directed my attention to the TV.

Camila has been spotted out of the country once again in The Caribbean. And it looks like she's been getting awfully close to a man. The twist is it's not Stephen Curry, whom she been dating for months. Are the two broken up? Only time can tell. But there are some leaked photos of splash brother, Klay Thompson's wedding. And the best man wasn't brining Camila down the aisle, but first love Ayesha Alexander. Are the two together?

I turned the TV off not baring to listen to the desperate for news, news anymore. I switched the channel and some movie came on. It was all in Spanish, but it was better then what I was just watching. I turned on the subtitles and just rolled with it.

After watching several movies, I realized the time. It was already 2 pm. I didn't have anything planned, and the restaurant was closed today, so I started to binge watch some random show. That was of course until the power went off on the TV, and the whole damn house! My house become almost nearly pitch black. The dark clouds took over the sun, barely letting any seep through. And the rain was pouring as hard as ever. And of course there was the occasional thunder and lightning.

I went to the kitchen to get some food, only to realize I had none. I'm a damn chef and there isn't even any food in my house. Out of boredom I started to clean my house, then plopped down on the couch after several hours.

"I'm so lonely!" I scream, "where's Blaire when I need her?" I mumbled. Deciding not to let my day fully go to waist, I put on only light makeup and slid on my Nike slippers. I didn't change out of my joggers and sweatshirt because it was just that kind of day. I topped it off with my all black shades, and black hat. Hearing my stomach grumble, I decided on going to Chick-Fil-A.

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