Chapter 28

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"I have to tell you something, Steph."

Stephen grabbed her hands. "You can tell me."

"It's cause," Ayesha started. "It's cause I'm pregnant, Steph. I'm pregnant."

Ayeshas POV

I nervously waited for a answer from Steph but I got nothing. I finally got the courage to look up at him. "Steph?"

"Wait, you're pregnant?" He said, pointing down towards my stomach. I couldn't read what he was feeling.

"This wasn't the reaction I was hoping for. Can't say I wasn't expecting this, though." I looked back down and started to play with my fingers.

"No, Ish." He pulled my head up with his two fingers. When I looked at him he had the biggest smile on his face. "You're telling me that you're pregnant?"

Tears started to fill my eyes, but they were more so happy, not sad. I shook my head yes, before smiling myself. "We're having a baby?"

I chuckled wiping away a few tears. "Yes, Steph. We're gonna have a baby," I smiled. He stood up, still in awe. I noticed that his eyes looked a little watery. "Steph are you crying?"

"We're having a baby!" He picked me up and spun me around several times. I couldn't help but laugh. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you," He said looking up towards the sky. Then he pulled me into one of the most passionate kisses we've ever shared. The happy tears started falling again.

He got down on his knees, then lifted my shirt up. "Me and your mommy are going to take such good care of you. I can't wait till you get here. I already love you so much!" He exclaimed, making me heart melt. He started to kiss all over my stomach. His goatee running against my bare skin made me laugh.

"Steph." I pulled him up to my level, then put my hands around his neck. "Tell me how you feel. What you're thinking."

"How I feel?" He asked, I bit my lip and nodded my head. "I feel happy, blessed, excited. I'm so overwhelmed with joy right now. Feel my heart." He took my hand and placed it on his heart. Sure enough it was pounding at a rapid pace. "I wasn't expecting this at all."

"You said it yourself. I've been eating way more, and oh you idiot." He shot me a confused glance. "I didn't throw up because of the peaches, I threw up only because I couldn't keep it down," I smiled.

"Wait, so how far along are you?" He asked me, leading us back to have a seat on the bed.

"The doctor told me I was about a month and a half in."

"Wait, how come you took so long to tell me? I want to come to all your appointments with you."

"I didn't find out until two weeks ago. I wanted to make it special for you and tell you in a spontaneous way. But obviously that plan didn't last long. And plus, I was nervous, I still am."

"Why? You're going to be a great mother, Ish," he said pulling me to his side.

"It's not that. I mean, we're not even married Steph. It's only been about 6 months since we got back together. It's just all seems to soon."

"Don't worry about that, none of that even matters. Especially that marriage part, I'll wife you up sooner than later," he smirked, sending me a wink. "All that matters right now is that we keep you and our little one healthy."

Stephens POV

A few moments later Ayesha let out a squeal. "Stephen I'm pregnant. Like this is for real!" She looked up at me with the hugest smile on her face that I couldn't help but kiss her.

"We're going to have a little family. I've always told you I wanted to create a little us." I was beyond happy right now. I was going to have a child with the person I'm in love with and want to spend forever with.

"I want it to be a boy. You know, so if later on we have a girl she can have her brother to look up to." As she talked I could see the happiness in her eyes.

"Nah, I want it to be a girl. So she can be just like her momma. My two little angels." I looked over at the clock. Wow, I didn't know it was this late. "We better get you and our unborn child to rest, considering it's three in the morning. I gotta take care of you especially, especially now."

"Babe, you've always treated me like a queen." She took my hand and pulled us under the covers and turned the lights off. She rested her head on my chest as I wrapped my arms around her. "This is actually happening," she whispered.

"This is actually happening." I smiled just thinking about it. "I have everything I've ever wanted. Right here, in my hands."

"I love you Steph. So, so much." She leaned up and gave me a kiss. I gave her another one before she rested her head on my chest again.

"I love you and our baby even more." It was quite for a moment, the thought of the future dwelling in my head. "Now that you tell me, it all makes sense now. You've definitely been moody, now I know why." I smiled keeping my eyes shut. She murmured something making me smile even more.

And soon enough we both fell asleep. With one of my arms around her, and the other resting on her belly.
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