Chapter 19

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Ayeshas POV

My nose crinkled up and my eyes fluttered open awakening from my deep sleep. My first sight of the day was Stephen peacefully sleeping, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I let out a yawn as I grabbed my phone from the night stand. The time was eight in the morning, and my phone was blown up with texts, emails, and social media notifications.

After a few minutes of scrolling through my phone, not wanting to, but having to I decided I should get the day started. I flipped my body so Stephen was in full view. Every feature about him was admiring. From his tight, short, curly hair, the freckles and moles on his face, to his perfect lips. And when he slowly awakened, I got too see my favorite feature. His hazel, mesmerizing eyes.

"Hey there stalker," he grasped, which was honestly a slight turn on. I mean with his morning voice, who wouldn't get turned on?

"Good morning handsome," I replied giving him a peck on his lips. After kissing back he smirked.

"Someone is in a good mood today, I like it," he said rubbing the tired off of his eyes. Every move he made was perfect and sexy, not at all flawed.

"When am I not?" I whispered tracing the figure of his face. He chuckled getting up and stretched his arms. He starting taking off his shirt making me smirk, when he looked at me he chuckled shaking his head.

"Someone is really on one today. Ish, I'm taking a shower, not about to get dirty in the sheets," he chuckled making his way into the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and I heard him start the shower.

Stephens POV

Steam started to fill the bathroom, and just as I was about to get fully undressed Ayesha came in, shutting the door behind her. I would be shocked, but she seems like she's really in the mood right now.

She came over to me and started kissing my shoulder. Then my neck, then my lips. I was loving every bit of this. Then she took her shirt off, exposing everything considering she was braless.

"Then how about we get dirty in the shower?" She whispered in my ear, sending ecstasy throughout my body. I bit my lip nodding as we continued on with the morning. And a good morning it was.

Klay and I were getting shots up at the gym even though the season doesn't start for a while. And I still had this gut feeling Klay wasn't telling me something.. more like hiding it. We took a break and sat down to cool off and hydrate.

"So man, what's up?" I asked trying to see if he would finally spill what he's been keeping. I wiped the beads of sweat that were dripping down my face away.

"Not anything too exciting," he said before taking a drink of water. "You hear about that man Trae Young?"

"Yeah he's pretty wicked. But there's not anything going on? Anything important?" I asked and Klay looked at me with confusion all over.

"I don't know man, you tell me. Is there something I should know about?"

"Nah, I was just wondering. But I should probably get heading out. Don't want my Ish to get mad, we've been here for a while now," I sighed getting up from my seat.

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