Me, ME, ME!

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Marinette's POV

Okay, maybe I overraeacted a bit. A LITTLE BIT. Besides, it's not like he didn't deserve that glare anyway. 

I walked off  to the other girls, who were bragging about their encounter of the prince. "He referred to me as his future wife." Lila "The Great" said.

"I actually had a conversation with him," Mirielle bragged. Don't ask me what's so special about that. 

"He told me to enjoy my time here." Alya said.  "You know what that means,right? That you won't be staying here forever." Chloe hinted. Alya frowned, but didn't say anything. I obviously wasn't going to have a part in this conversation, so I backed around the corridor to my room, when I heard crying. It was one of the Selected girls, Finesse... Sunset? I think that was her name.

"Hey?" I called to her. "You okay?" When she saw me, she immediately straightened her back, and tried to wipe off the smeared mascara on her face.

"Uh... yeah, sorry." She said, picking up her dress. "I should go."

"Where are you going?" I laughed. "To your room to cry some more?" I immediately wished I could take what I said back, it didn't sound as funny out loud. "That's not going to help anything. Come, sit with me. I quickly added.

She hesitantly stared at me before making her way over. She sniffled.

"Now, tell me. What's this about?" I asked her, pointing to the smeared mascara.

She broke down rather fast. "H-He-He D-Di-Didn't E-E-Even SAY ANYTHING!!" She cried.

"Okay? What did you want him to say?" I said, assuming "he" was the prince.

"ANYTHING! I-I-don't care! H-He all said something to the others. L-LOOK AT MIRIELLE he had a CONVERSATION w-with h-her! He JUST STARED AT ME!"

"Maybe... all the girls he saw before you were the same. Maybe he just was surprised at how different you were. In a good way!" Adrien should be thankful I was giving him the the benefit of the doubt.

"Bu-but-"she started. I shushed her. "You can't ruin your pretty face over such a silly thing, right? What would the queen say? She has to deal with so much, she can't break down over something like this. Now come, let's go to your room."

She nodded, and began to calm down. As we walked to her room, I got to know a lot about her, and she was quite grateful that it was me who found her crying,not Lila or Chloe. Huh,I told myself. Maybe everyone here isn't a douchbag after all.

HIIII!!!!! Sorry for the short chapter, but since I am updating more often that I though I could, it's not a big problem right? Also, Finesse is Kriss in the Selection series, ( Yes, I know Kriss never had a breakdown, and Star is Elise(Yes, I know Elise is from New Asia in the Series, but in this she is from Illea, and Mirielle is the one from New Asia,)


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