Secrets and Lies

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Nobody's POV (it's been a while since I've done this)

Marinette kicked the leg of a table in frustration. "Ugh," she hissed. "Hate these damn walls. So confusing."

She stormed off, probably too fast because she tripped over the leg of her dress. She yelped, and steadied herself on one of the tiles on the edge of the floor.

Before she could move the tile sank in, and one of the walls shifted, revealing another room. 

She gasped in awe. "What kind of architect built this castle?"

The room was large, and the lights were switched off. "Hello?" She called. " I'm sorry, I got lost...and, um."

She felt around for the light switch, and she finally found it. The room was full of cased books, but one particularly caught her eye. 

"Master Fu's diaries!" She read the title. Master Fu had been the founder of their kingdom, and he was very famous. Being in the presence of his diaries was one thing, owning them was amazingly...AMAZING!

She held it in her hands, and began flipping through the pages. Suddenly, she heard footsteps and hid the book under her dress and hid behind a shelf. 

"...unaware of your duties." Someone said. It was the king and Adrien.

"Father, please. It wasn't her fault. You would do anything to prevent Mother's death, and she was trying to protect her best friend's suffering." Adrien reasoned. 

"Your Mother had a sense of duty, as do I. Though I am loyal to her, I understand the limits to honesty." He lectured.

"Honesty? Loyalty? To mother? When did this happen?" Adrien chuckled mockingly. Marinette sucked in a breath. This conversation she was eavesdropping on was much too personal.

"Foolish boy, what did you say?" Gabriel growled. 

"You've been lying to her for years! What would she say if she were here now?" Adrien yelled.

What happened next was nothing but horrifying. 

The king grabbed Adrien's arm, twisted his shoulder around as he winced in pain. Marinette held back a gasp. 

"You have no idea what you're talking about!" Gabriel hissed. Then he smirked. 'Now, Adrien, you really should be careful when you walk down the stairs. Such a fall could end up worse than a dislocated shoulder."

He leaned in and whispered in his son's ear, "We don't want that to happen again, now do we?"

The king dragged Adrien out of the room, and Marinette let out a sigh of relief. She bolted from the room, not realizing that she was still carrying the diary. 

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