She's Back

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HELLO MY LOVELIES IM BACK with another update!!!

HUGE SHOUTOUT TO CampReaders18 (It wont let me tag you for some reason)

Thank you for your 28 votes and your support! I know I already said this, but they mean a lot to me!!!

Marinette's POV 

The next morning I wore my brightest dress. This was the first day I was stress-free after a long while. I wanted my mood to match my outfit.

As I scampered I to the women's room, I was surprised to find that Silvia was there, sipping her coffee.

"Good," she said, "You are all here. Sit, I have an assignment for you guys."

"Assignment?" Chloe snorted. "Is this school?"

"Sit, Chloe." Silvia barked. "This task will prepare you for the duties of the queen. Our close friends from Italy will be visiting us tonight. Keep in mind, your behavior is extremely important.We have been trying to make ties for Italy for very long."

"Tonight?" I asked, "They're coming on such a short notice?"

Silvia smirked. "Actually, we've known about them for weeks. I instructed everyone not to say a word to you since I wanted you to prepare for your short comings." She cleared her throat. "Two days from now, we are hosting a ceremony in which all three of you will be presenting in. The Italians will be there.

"You're job is to come up with some sort of economical strategy or idea to improve our country in one specific way: making peace between the castes. The Italians will review your ideas and decide if Miraculous is worthy of their allies." She smiled. "Make us proud. Any questions?"

Finesse, Chloe, and I didn't make a peep. We were still taking in what we were expected to do.

"Very well, then. I assume you'll want to start right away. Oh, yes, a welcoming party will be hosted tonight in the ballroom. You are all expected to attend. Good day."

Finesse stretched out her legs and sighed. "I don't even know where to begin. I've never been the kind of person to deal with these kind of things. I'm more of a half full kind of girl."

"The lower castes are much too rowdy. They should learn to be happy and accept who they are," Chloe commented. Then she turned to me with a devious smirk on her face, "No offense," she said.

"None taken," I muttered. "I'm going to go take a nap or something. Maybe that way an idea will come."

As I was walking back, Chloe's words echoed in my head. The lower castes are much too rowdy. They should learn to be happy and accept who they are.

I sighed. Why did castes have to exist? They just divided the world. Miraculous would be a much better kingdom if there were no castes.

The idea came like a bullet in the head. What if someone were to...eliminate the castes once and for all? It would be hard, and hard times would come. But it was worth it. 

I rushed back to my room, and pulled out some poster paper. From the corner of my eye, I saw the book I had "borrowed" from that room earlier.

Master Fu's diaries. He was the founder of Miraculous, meaning he must have come up with the idea for the castes.

Why? How? Were the castes necessary? Did he do it for a legitimate reason or just for power? Were the people happy at first? Could there be positive factors for my idea?

Whatever it was, the book would answer it. I plunged myself into the book, ready for the truth.

 Time skip 

Night came before I knew it. I was so into the book I didn't even get time to think about what Fu wrote. It  was I can't even put it into words. But this would have to come later.

Mary came in and stretched out a beautiful blue ball gown. "It's time to get you read miss." She said.

"It's beautiful," I said, admiring the blue diamond embroided perfectly into the soft fabric.

Lucy smiled proudly. "I'm glad you liked it."

Time skip 

The party seemed very lively. Despite the long journey, the Italians seemed just as excited. A woman came over to me with a little girl.

"You're Lady Marinette, right?"she said. She was Italian, thought her English was perfect.

"At your service, miss..." I really didn't know what to address her as, since I didn't know who she was.

"Queen Nadia Chamack of Italy." she gave a quick courtesy. "And this is my lovely daughter, Manon."

I looked down at the brown haired girl. She giggled, and I joined her. 

"It's an honor to meet you, Your Majesty." I bowed.

"Please, the honor's all mine." Nadia laughed. She seemed really kind. 

"How are you? how's the party?" I asked, trying to make a conversation. 

"It's lovely my dear. How are you? This selection business is tough, isn't it?"

I sighed sadly. "It is."

Nadia cocked her head to one side. "Why did you enroll for the selection, dear?"

"Well," I placed my finger, on my chin, thinking. "At first, it was because of money. Then, it started growing into something more at heart. And now, I have this feeling...this determination. This country is amazing, but it needs fixing. And I, I believe I am capable of fixing it."

My mini speech was short, but it was inspiring. Nadia thought so too.

"And how do you feel about becoming a princess?"Nadia questioned. 

I turned to see Adrien and Finesse chatting away with a guest. Finesse had her head rested in his chest, while his arm was wrapped around her waist.

"I don't think it will come to that," I muttered.

"Oh," Nadia chuckled. "I, I believe it definitely will come to that. You fail to see how fond the prince is of you."

I would have been inspired by her speech, but my heart had stopped. Because I had witnessed dark, straight hair and tan skin swish by me. This girl had a bright orange outfit and her hair pinned up in an Italian braid.


 She was back. She was Italian, but I didn't know she'd be here. Nadia followed my gaze to Lila, and she giggled. 

"Oh, I see you recognize my niece. Yes, she was a part of the selection. You two were friends?" She asked kindheartedly.

"Yeah..." I gulped. "Friends."

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