An Unlikely Ally

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Nobody's POV

Marinette tripped and stumbled around the corridors until she couldn't run anymore. She parked herself against a pillow. 

Why do these things have to always happen to me, she thought, Why am I so unfortunate? Why does Lila have to come back?

"I was thinking the same thing," someone said next to her. Marinette whirled around, to see Finesse leaning against the same pillar, staring off into the distance.

I was saying that aloud? Marinette thought. 

"Yes, you were." Finesse closed her eyes. "I know what happened between Adrien and Lila, you know. He told me."

Marinette felt a blush on her cheeks. "I don't know what you're talking about," she murmured.

Finesse scoffed. "Liar."

Marinette narrowed her eyes. "What do you want, Finesse? I told you its best if we aren't friends."

"Listen, Marinette." Finesse rose from the pillar, finally looking Marinette in the eye. The regret and jealousy she was feeling would not go away, no matter how hard she tried.

"We used to be competition. Competitors. Like I said, we are neck and neck. But then..." Finesse had an unusual glint of darkness in her big brown eyes. "Someone else came."

Marinette snorted. "Lila? No way. She's trash, Adrien hates her."

Finesse smirked. "If that were true, why are you here sobbing? You should be back there partying? Why does Lila get to you so much if she's trash?"

"...what are you saying?" Marinette asked.

"Haven't you heard?" Finesse shook her head, full of disgust. "Lila's back in the competition."

"WHAT?!" Marinette screamed.

"Yes. The Italians offered their alliance if their princess would be back in the competition."

"But...that's not fair." Marinette said.

"Do you think the king cares if its fair or not? He's just happy he got his alliance."

"What are we going to do now?" Marinette muttered.

"I'm saying we may not necessarily be friends. But allies. If all of us are fighting like boars, the most powerful will win. And Lila's very powerful. But if two boards teamed up, they would be stronger than the most powerful."

"And what do you suggest we do once we 'team up'?" Marinette wouldn't admit it, but she was considering Finesse's idea.

"We won't make Lila look bad. I don't want to win that way. We'll just make ourselves look better." Finesse smiled. 

Marinette returned it. She liked this idea. After everything they've been through, Finesse would be her first pick for an ally. 

Suddenly, the two heard crying coming from around the corner. Finesse and Marinette both crept around it, to face shock.

It really was shocking, no one would have believed them if they told them. Chloe, sitting in a messed up bundle, crying her eyes out. 

When she caught sight of the two, she yelled at them, "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!"

Marinette and Finesse began to back away, when two words came out of Chloe's mouth that for sure must have been a mistake. 

"I'm sorry."

Both girls stopped, unsure of what to do. 

"Please Don't leave," Chloe begged. "Please...I...need a friend."

For the first time, Chloe's blue eyes looked innocent. Marinette casually walked over to her, and embraced her. Chloe, surpised, yet didn't hesitate to return it.

"I'm sorry..." she cried. "I'm sorry for everything I've said...and done to you. Marinette, I'm sorry I called Alya a whore. Finesse, I'm sorry I spilled my drink on you at your birthday party. It was your turn in the spotlight, and I guess I couldn't handle that." 

Finesse shrugged. "It's fine. I had a wonderful talk with Adrien after that, so I forgave you a long time ago."

Chloe smiled sadly. "And, Marinette...if you could get a chance, could you apologize to Alya for me?"

Marinette raised an eyebrow. "For what?"

Chloe sighed. "I repalaced her shampoo with bleach."

Marinette and Finesse gasped. "Bleach?!"

"Yes," she admitted, "Lila gave me the idea, and I gobbled it right up. If anyone found out...if my parents found out how low I'd stooped, they wouldn't even..."

Finesse rested an arm on Chloe's shoulder. "It's alright. That's all behind us. It's in the past. What matters now is that we delete the source of hate here." Her eyes glistened with excitement. "Lila."

"A-are you sure you want me to help you? After e-everything-"

"Chloe, isn't it are choice if you get to help us or not?" Marinette said. Chloe genuinely smiled, which is a sight Marinette never thought she'd see.

Marinette looked at Finesse. "Where do we start?"

Finesse  smiled. "Tomorrow morning, Women's Room, 9 am. Get there before Lila does."

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