3. Forgive me?

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(The drawing on the top is mine :3)

Tord's POV:

 'Where am I? What happened?' I started to open my eyes. My vision was blurry. But I saw someone... I blinked a few times to make my vision more clear and I saw him...  


I started to panic. My heart was beating faster and faster and it was harder to breath. My vision was starting to get blurry again and I had tears in my eyes.


I looked at him, but It made me even harder to breath. I jumped of the couch and ran. He was yelling my name, but I didn't listen.

Then it was too much for me. I slammed on the wall gasping for air. He ran up to me yelling my...name I think? I couldn't understand his words clearly. Then he did something I wasn't ready for.

He wrapped his arms around and pulled me closer. I was in shock. He rubbed circles on my back to calm me down. I was literally crying my eyes out. After like five minutes I calmed down. But I was still in shock.

"I'm s-so sorry......"

Tom's POV:

I was kinda freaked out. I think he had another panic attack. I felt a little bad for him...' Wait what? No! It's his fault!' I thought.

I looked down at him. "T-Tom... I'm s-so sorry..... This is all m-my fault... I am such an IDIOT!........." He said with tears in his eyes.

I hugged him tightly trying to calm him down. He was still sobbing on my shoulder for a few minutes. When the sobs died, I looked at him. He fell asleep. I sighed and smile a little.

I picked him up carefully, trying not to wake him up. He looked so peaceful... I put him back on the couch. I was kinda tired, a lot of stuff happened today. I got into my room and laid on my bed. It didn't took long and I fell asleep.

I hope Tord will be okay...

Hello guys! Sorry for the short chapter, but I'm in a hurry today. Sorry again and goodbye! <3

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