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Guys, there is something I need to tell you... Something that I'm not proud of...

Some of you guys maybe know a book called 'Mistakes can be healed' (

I need you to know, this story that you're reading right now, especially the beginning, was...let's say copied. Yes. I admit it. I am not proud of it and I stopped immediately when I figured out what I was doing was stupid.

But what made my heart ache was that some people thought THEY copied MY book. No. That is NOT true!

This is not their fault.. The author @dreamartchannel ( and I already discussed it. And I feel terrible. Guilty.

I did it, because I was scared. Because I didn't know what I was doing was a bad thing. I was stupid. And still am for not telling you sooner.

Please, guys... Don't blame her... This is my fault and ONLY my fault... That I didn't say anything sooner and just let it pass. This is why I hate this book. I was even thinking about deleting this. I still don't know.

You can guys yell at me. Scream and call me horrible names. I deserve it anyway. So go on. And I wouldn't be suprised if you all began to hate me... I just want you to know that I've made a mistake that I can not fix and I learned from it. I am NEVER going to do it again, I promise.

Still, feel free to blame me. It's what I am anyway. A liar. And I'm sorry...

Thank you for reading this. And again, I'm sorry for what I've done. Really... Have a nice day/night...

Heartless... (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now