20. Morning headache

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Tord's POV:

I woke up at 5:13. I wondered why. I tried to sleep again, but I just couldn't. I was changing poses and tried my best to fall asleep, but failed. After 10 minutes for what felt like forever, I gave up.

I got up and walked into the kitchen. My head hurt, I was feeling dizzy and everything I saw was blurry.

I took a glass of water and then walked back to my room. I changed and wrote a note, saying that I went for a short walk. Just in case someone would wake up.

I closed the door of our hotel and took a deep breath. It was cold. I started walking, but it was difficult. I still felt dizzy.

I saw a bench and sat on it. I closed my eyes and relaxed.

My head hurt like hell and it was harder to breathe. I tried to calm down, but it really hurt.

The world was spinning. I was seeing blurry and I couldn't do anything.

Then I just laid down on the bench, holding my head in pain.

After I calmed down, I opened my eyes. It was still blurry. I slowly got up and tried to walk, but immediately fell. I tried again, but there was no use.

I was losing control of my body. It really hurt. I felt like my head was gonna explode.

"H-help...please..." I tried talking, but there was nobody, who could help me.

I took my phone and then tried my best to text Tom. It was difficult, but somehow I managed to make it. 'I hope he will answer.....................'

Tom's POV:

I woke up with something buzzing next to me. I rubbed my 'eyes' and opened them. It was my phone, but who would text this early?

It was from Tord! I opened the message.

Tord: Tom please. I need your help. I am at the park. It hurts. Please help me............

Tom: Tord? What's happening?

Tord: I dont know, but please help me...

Tom: Alright, I'll be there in a minute. Just hang in there.

'Tord? I wonder what happened. I just need to get him, whatever it is.' I thought.

I quickly changed and stormed out of the hotel making my way to the park.

It was cold, but I didn't really care. When I got to the park, I slowed down. I looked around for any sign of Tord. Then I saw him laying on the ground, not moving.

I gasped and ran to him as fast as I could.

"Tord? Tord, can you hear me?" I said kneeling next to him. He opened his eyes and looked at me. It looked like he was in pain.

"Tom...you made it..."

"Yes, what happened?"

"I...don't...know... I just got out for a walk and my head really hurt."

"Okay, calm down. I'm here. Should I call the ambulance?" I asked and looked at him with a worried look.

"No, that's fine... Just help me get up, please." He said. I tried my best to help him, but it looked like his body was lifeless.

"I'm trying my best, Tord." I said, but he didn't answer.

I looked at him to see him passed out. I sighed and picked him up bridal style. We made our way back to the hotel. 'I hope Tord will be okay...'

Tord's POV:

'Urgh...my head...what happened?' I thought to myself as I slowly opened my eyes. My vision was blurry, but there were some people there.

One was in a green hoddie, the other one had a purple hoddie and the last one had a...blue hoodie? Edd, Matt and Tom!

I tried to move, but failed. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I couldn't do anything.

I was powerless. I was trying to concentrate on my vision and after a while, it became clear.

I realized that I was laying in a bed with an ice pack on my head. And the other three sat there.

Edd was looking down. Matt put wrapped his arm around Edd's neck, trying to calm him down or something and Tom was...crying?

I tried talking again and succes. "G-guys?" I said in a raspy and quiet voice, but it was still enough for them to notice that I talked.

"Tord!" Edd looked at me with tears in his eyes and smiled at me.

Matt just looked at me and smiled.

"Tord! I'm so glad you're okay!" Tom said tears still streaming down his cheeks and then he hugged me carefully.

I tried moving my arms and hugged back weakly. Edd and Matt later on joined the hug.

We pulled away and I weakly smiled at them.

"W-what happened?" I asked still a little quiet.

"Well, you texted me that you needed some help, I found you in the park laying on the ground, holding your head in pain. So I took you here. You were passed out for like 30 minutes." Tom answered and looked down.

"Do you have any idea, how did that happen?" Edd asked, trying to sound calm. I was thinking and then I figured it out.

"Actually, yes. Since the...incident I'm having nightmares every single night. But that doesn't mean I will always remember them. That would explain, why did I wake up so early today. My head hurt and I didn't know, why. But It's one of the panic attacks and I just can't remember my dream so, yeah." I explained to them.

They stared at me for a while.

"Oh, okay. Well, we didn't plann any adventures today anyway. So You'll just stay in bed and rest and after you will feel a bit better, we can watch a movie or something, alright?" Edd said and we all nodded.

I smiled at him and yawned.

"You should just take nap, Tord. Hope you'll feel better." Matt said and got up along with the guys. "Okay, thanks for understanding. Bye." I said in a tired voice, closing my eyes.

"Bye." I heard them say as they closed the door.

I yawned once again and took theice pack off my head and closed my eyes. I was thinking about all the adventures we will do together as friends. I smiled at the thought and then fell asleep.

I really was lucky for having such understanding friends...

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