7. What happened?

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Tord's POV:

I opened my eyes and saw that I was lying on a couch. I couldn't move or see very well. I started to panic again. What happened?

My vision was getting clear. I was really confused and tried to remember what happened when I heard footsteps.

I could finally move a little. I turned my head at the direction of the footsteps. And I saw Tom.

"Tom?" I said my voice still a bit raspy. "Tord!" He replied and ran up to me. I looked up at his 'eyes'. "What...happened?"

"Well, I saw a note and it said that your just out for a walk. But it was around eleven and you weren't coming back. I was starting to get worried, but then you slammed the door open, fell down and then you blacked out..."

I was starting to remember what happened. I wanted to stand up, but yelped in pain. I laid back down. Tom was just looking at me with worry written on his face.

Tom's POV:

"Tord?" "...Yes?" "Do you remember, what happened to you before you came here?" There was silence for a moment.

"I-I'm not sure... I just got lost in my thoughts. I...guess I remembed something what made me faint... Then I woke up lying next to the bench and got up with a terrible headache..." He said.

There was another silence. "Do you remember what you were thinking about?" He just shook his head. I sighed. I looked at him and I saw tears falling down his cheek. He started to sob.

After a while, he was crying. I couldn't take anymore. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. He stopped crying and then hugged me back, sobbing on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, Tord. Everything's gonna be alright... I promise..." I told him in a calm tone and rubbed circles on his back, trying to calm him down.

We were hugging like this on the couch for a few minutes and actually fell asleep cuddled to each other. Everything's gonna...be...alright...

Hello guys! Sorry for the short chapter, but I don't have much time today. I'll still trying to post everyday, but no promises. Okay, bye!

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