8. Help me...

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Tord's POV:

I woke up on the couch cuddled to Tom. I blushed a little. I carefully pulled away, trying not to wake him up. I got up and almost tripped. I felt dizzy and unstable.

I walk to the kitchen and sat down on a chair. I tried to remember what happened yesterday. Oh, I remembered that I was thinking about......about...uhh...

You remember, don't you?


The incident.


Oh, that's right! You can't even say the truth...you traitor.


I felt tears form in my eyes. I didn't want to think about it...but it was true...

"I-I'm sorry!"

Sorry?! Sorry won't fix anything that you did in the past! You're a failure. A traitor. A monster!

It felt like there is no oxygen in the room. I started coughing and fell to the floor.

...A heartless creature! Weak! Useless!

"NO!" I was coughing even more, but it was...blood...? I was gasping for air and tried to scream for help. But I couldn't do anything.... I was powerless...

After a while of coughing on the floor, I started fainting. I gasped one more time and then everything went black.

Tom's POV:

I woke up and heard coughing in the kitchen and someone screaming stuff like 'No' and 'I'm sorry'.

I got up and ran into the kitchen as fast as I could. I saw Tord coughing and gasping for air. I ran up to him when he stopped coughing and...breathing...

"Tord!" I kneeled down next to him. He wasn't breathing. I was in shock. "Tord! Please wake up! Don't do this to me! Please..." I started crying. "TORD!!" I screamed with tears in my 'eyes'...

I hugged him and pulled him close to me. "Wake up...wake up..." Suddenly someone slammed the door open and there stood Edd and Matt behind him.

"Tom! Are you okay!? We heard you screaming!" I looked up to them tears still falling down my cheeks. They looked at Tord and gasped.

"Oh my god, what happened to Tord?" "I'll explain later, just call the ambulance, quick!!"

Edd nodded and pulled out his phone.

*Time skip 'cuz I'm too lazy*

I was still crying. We were in the hospital, waiting for doctors to tell us what was wrong with Tord. I cried with some hiccups between sobs.

Edd patted on my shoulder. I looked at him to see him with a worried look on his face and watery eyes. "Don't worry, Tom. I'm sure he will be okay."

He smiled at me and I tried to smile back, but fail. I looked down again.

*Time skip again*

I was starting to lose hope. What the heck was taking so long? Suddenly, the doctor opened the door. "Umm, are you here for Tord?" I nodded. We got up and followed him.

"Here we are. Don't worry, he will be okay." "Thank you." Edd said and we saw Tord lying on a bed.

"Tord!" I said and ran up to him. I hugged him, but carefully not to hurt him.

"T-Tom." I heard him respond and he hugged back.

I let go and smiled at him.. He smiled back weakly. "So Tord. What happened...?" His smile faded and he looked down.


Heartless... (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now