18. Back home part 2

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Tord's POV:

We arrived. We were here. We really were! I couldn't believe this was happening! I-I just couldn't even talk! It looked exactly the same!

"Hey Tord, you okay?" I heard Tom talk to me. I turned around and looked at him.

"Y-yes I'm just so happy!" I said with happy tears in my eyes.

He placed his hand on my shoulder. I smiled at him.

"We better go to our hotel." Edd said. We all nodded. We picked up our stuff and made our way to the hotel.

"Umm, guys. You maybe don't know yet, but Tom, you share a room with Tord." Edd said suddenly.

"You're lucky I don't hate him anymore." Tom said with a chuckle and that made me chuckle as well.

We made our way to our place. It was quite big. In the living room was a red couch, tv and even a balcony. It was nice.

"In which bedroom do you want to stay?" Tom asked.

"I don't know. You choose."

"Okay then." Tom said and headed to a room closer to the kitchen.

I headed to my new room. It was nice too. I opened my suitcase and unpacked my stuff. I checked my phone. '1 new message' it said. I clicked on it to see that It was from Paul.

Paul: Hey Tord!

Tord: Hey Paul, what's up?

Paul: Oh just checking, how are you doing since you left the army?

Tord: I'm fine. I came back to say sorry to my friends. And they forgave me! And how about you? How's the army? And Patryck?

Paul: Good, good. Well, gotta go. Bye! Text to you later!

Tord: Bye da-I mean Paul! And say hello to Patryck!

Paul: I will! And It's okay if you call us dads. We don't mind.

Tord: Heh, thanks...dad.

I smiled and turned my phone off. I got up and walked to the living room to see Tom, Edd and Matt chatting. Edd noticed me and waved. I waved back.

"Hey guys, do you wanna look around Norway a bit?" I asked them.

"Okay!" Matt said.

"Sure." Tom said.

"Let's go!" Edd said.

"Okay, but take some warm clothes. It's really cold here. I'm used to it." I said before we walked out.

Tom's POV:

We exited our hotel. Tord wasn't lying when he said that it was cold here. But we didn't mind that much. I looked at Tord to see him smiling and looking around. I smiled.

I was really happy to see him happy.

We walked around the park. Then I heard something. Music! I looked to the direction of the music to see a small stage and people dancing.

"Oh my god! I missed this so much! I remember when I was a little kid, I always danced with them! I'm so happy!" Tord said with a wide smile.

"You dance? I didn't know that!" Edd said with a suprised look.

"Indeed, Edd. Come on guys! Let's have a little dance!"

"There is no way I am dancing! I would just embarrass myself." I said. Suddenly Tord grabbed my hand.

"Oh come on Tom! This is a normal thing to do in here! Just have fun!" He said and pulled me to the stage. I didn't even realize, what was I doing.

We started dancing. It was kinda fun! I saw that Edd and Matt joined us. I really enjoyed that moment. Tord was smiling at me the whole time, he really looked like a child at Christmas. I couldn't help myself but smile back. I was happy.

"Oh, the music stopped." I said quietly trying to catch my breath, still smiling.

"It was really fun!" Edd said, still holding Matt's hand. We all agreed.

"Well, It's getting late. We should get back to our hotel." Edd said and we walked back to our places.

Today was really fun.

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