5. Movie night

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Tord's POV:

We sat there, hugging each other for a while until we heard someone knock on the door. We let go and Tom got up to open the door.

"Hello, Tom!" Edd said with his usual smile. "Hey Edd, what's up?" "Oh just checking. How is Tord?" Before Tom could answer, I got up and walked towards the door.

"Hello Edd. I'm feeling good." Edd smiled at me when he saw me. I smiled back.

"So guys, wanna watch a movie?" "Sure." Tom said and we followed Edd to his apartment. When we got there, Matt welcomed us. "Hey Todd, hello Tim!"

Me and Tom rolled our eyes. "Hello Matt." Matt smiled at us and walked towards the couch as we followed him.

"So, what are we gonna watch?" I asked. "What about 'Return Of The Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell 6'?" Tom asked. We all nodded as Edd get to the kitchen to make some popcorn.

After a while Edd came with a big bowl full of popcorn in his hands and sat right next to Matt. Tom sat next to Edd and I sat next to Tom. Before the 'incident', I would be pretty angry, but now I didn't really care.

The movie started and we all enjoyed it. Just like old times...

*time skip*

Tom's POV:

The movie ended and it was time to leave. Actually, Edd and Matt were asleep cuddled to each other and Tord fell asleep as well. I looked down at him. He looked so relaxed and peaceful. I smiled, carefully picked him up and we left Edd's apartment.

I placed Tord on the couch and placed a blanket on him. I watched him cuddle to the blanket like a little kitten. He looked cute.

I yawn and check the time. It was 1:28 in the morning and I was kinda tired. I got to my room and laid on my bed. It didn't take long until I fell asleep.

Edd's POV:

I woke up on my couch cuddled with Matt. I blushed a little. I looked around and didn't see Tom or Tord sitting there. 'I bet they already left.' I thought.

"Matt?" I said, trying to wake him up, but he didn't even move. I shaked him gently. "Matt?" Matt finally opened his eyes. We looked at each other blushing.

"I-It's late Matt. You should go to your apartment." I said still blushing a bit. "Oh, okay." "Do you want me to go with you?" He only nodded and yawned. We got up and headed to his apartment.

"Godnight Matt." "Goodnight Edd." He said in responce and closed the door of his apartment. I yawned and got back to mine.

I laid on my bed, thinking of what happened today slowly falling asleep.

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