16. Free time

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(By the way, this is what happens when I'm trying to draw on the computer...)

Tord's POV:

I woke up in a different room. I rubbed my eyes and saw Tom lying next to me. 'This is Tom's room!? How did I get here?' I thought.

I calmed down and took a breath. I carefully got up, trying not to wake him up and made my way to the kitchen. It was 7:03 and I decided to make some breakfast.

I opened the fridge and took some bacon. I reached in the cupboard and took some eggs and toast.

I placed the bacon on the frying pan. It smelled delicious. 'I wonder when Tom will wake up.'

Tom's POV:

I woke up and smelled something. Bacon! I quickly got up and ran to the kitchen. I saw Tord standing there, making breakfast. He noticed me.

"Morning Tom!" He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

"Morning Tord." I sat on a chair and checked my phone. I opened Google and searched 'Norway'.

It looked pretty nice. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. "I'll go open."

I stood up and opened the door. "Hey Tom!" Edd said with a smile.

"Oh, hey Edd, how are you doing?"

"Good. I just wanted to ask, have you told Tord about our trip to Norway?"

"Yeah. So, when are we going?"

"This afternoon and we're gonna be there for three days."

"Okay! So at...14:00?"

"Alright! See ya!" Edd waved at me before walking to his own apartment.

I closed the door behind him and returned to the kitchen. There were two plates with fried bacon, eggs and toast.

"Breakfast is ready!" Tord said with a warm smile. "Thanks!" I said and I sat down.

"It's delicious!" I said.

"Thanks! So, who was at the door?"

"It was Edd. He said we are leaving around 14:00. We're going to stay there for three days. So we'll better pack after we eat."

"Alright!" He said with a wide smile on his face. It was adorable.

After we ate our breakfast, Tord said. "So, I'm going to pack my stuff." I noticed he was looking...like he wasn't feeling really good, but I brushed it off.

"Alright, me too." I answered and got up. I followed him to my room. We packed our stuff. I checked the time. It was 10:12.

"Hey Tord."


"We still got plenty of time. What about we go for a walk or something?"

"Umm. Okay!" Tord said and smiled again. He looked really happy for our trip to Norway.

"So, where should we go?" He asked.

"I don't know, the park?"

"Alright! I'll race you there! 3...2...1...GO!" He said before running away.

"Hey! That's not fair!" I screamed with a chuckle and followed him quickly.

Tord's POV:

"Come on, Jehovah!" I screamed at Tom who was running after me. I laughed a little and continued. Even though my stomach felt like it was going to explode, I kept running. Like I said earlier, I didn't want Tom or anyone else to worry.

I saw a tree in the middle of the park. 'I have an idea.'

As soon as I got there, I climbed that tree and waited.

Not so long after, I saw Tom running towards the tree. He looked confused and slowed down.

"Tord?" He said.

"BOO!" I screamed at him. He jumped in suprise.

Suddenly, I was sliding down from that tree and before realizing it, I fell down right at Tom and pinned him to the grass.

We both blushed madly. I let go off him and helped him up.

"What was...THAT!?" He said with half angry half shocked tone in his voice.

"I was just trying to suprise you." I said with an awkward chuckle.

"Well, good job." He said his voice calmed down and chuckled.

There was silence between us for a while.

"...sorry..." I said looking down.

"...It's fine." He said and smiled at me. I looked at him and smiled back.

"I'll try not to fail next time." I said and giggled as I hugged him.

"Heh." He said hugging me back.

"Anyway, we should head back now. It's 11:46 and I'm hungry." Tom said and I nodded.

I grabbed his hand not even realizing it and we walked back home.

I was really excited to finally see my home again...

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