4. Nightmare...

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Tord's POV:

'Urg...Where am I?' I thought to myself. I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a few times to make my vision more clear. Then I realized that I was floating in a void...

"H-hello?" I said. No answer. I got up and looked around. Nothing but darkness, the endless void. I was trapped...

I was walking around and hoped I could find someone who would help me. "Tom? Guys?"

Suddenly, I saw a figure in a blue hoodie. "Tom!" I screamed, smile appearing on my face. I ran up to him and hugged him, never wanting to let go. But he pushed me to the 'ground'.

"T-Tom?" I looked up to him to see his 'eyes' filled with anger and rage. I saw dark aura around him. "WHY ARE YOU ALIVE!? YOU SHOULD JUST BE DEAD WITH THAT GIANT ROBOT OF YOURS!"

I could feel tears form in my eyes. "T-Tom, I-I am s..." "SORRY!? DO YOU THINK THAT JUST SAYING 'SORRY' WILL FIX WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?"

I was literally crying right now. "I-I know. I'm so s-s-sorry...It's all my fault. Your right..." I was crying my eyes out. Those words really hurt...a lot... "I HATE YOU! YOU SHOULD JUST KILL YOURSELF! WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU!? YOU REALLY DON'T HAVE A HEART, DO YOU!!?"

Those words made me cry even more. He was right... I was useless...worthless... I was a monster, a traitor... I truly was a monster...

"I know, you're right! I am a mistake, who doesn't care about people. I am a traitor, who betrayed the only people that trusted him. I AM HEARTLESS!!!!!!!!!!"

Before I could realize it, a harpoon shot me in the chest. I screamed in pain and everything was gone. I was falling down... "I...am...so...sorry..." Then suddenly I hit the ground and screamed in pain once again.

Then I woke up...

Tom's POV:

I heard a scream. I opened my 'eyes', jumped out of my bed and ran into the living room. I found Tord hugging himself on the ground screaming and crying in pain.

"Holy shit, Tord!" I ran up to him to see him breathing very heavily and sweating. He didn't notice me yet. He was shaking and crying even more. I felt really bad for him.

I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed circles in his back to calm him down. He hugged back after a while and sobbed in my chest. After 10 minutes, he calmed down.

I pulled away and looked at him. His eyes were puffy and red from all the crying and he looked tired. "T-Tom I had a...nightmare..." His voice was raspy probably from all the yelling.

"You wanna talk about it?" There was silence for a moment. After a while he nods.

"Well, I was floating in a void... Then I saw you..." He looked down. "I hugged you, but you pushed me to the ground... T-then you said mean stuff like.......that you h-hate me, I should have d-died back then a-and..." He stopped talking for a while starting to sob again. "Then you shot m-me with a harpoon and then I was falling....And w-when I hit the ground, I woke up........"

He was crying again and I was just looking at him. I hugged him. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm-" "Shh. It's okay. I forgive you." I told him as I pulled him closer.

He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "W-what? B-but I killed Jon, blew up the hou-" "It's in the past now. What happened, happened. It's okay, we are here for you." I said.

And then after a long time I saw his smile. But it wasn't the devilish smile or a fake one. It was a warm and cute smile. "Thank you so much..."

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