15. Suprise!

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Tord's POV:

"Tord, wake up! We're home!" I heard someone scream at me. I jumped and looked at Edd who was smiling at me. "Hello, sleepyhead."

"Uhh...hey Edd."

I got out of the car, thinking about my dream. I was back in Norway and I was dancing along with the music. It was a nice dream. I smiled a bit and felt tears in my eyes.

I wiped them away and we all made our ways to our apartments.

Me and Tom waved at Matt and Edd and we walked into our apartment.
"You know, you should take a shower. I think you haven't took one in days." Tom said.

"Okay..." I tell him and walked into the bathroom.

I locked the door and took off my shirt. I looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked really tired. I had messy hair. I glanced over at my robotic arm and sighed.

I took it off. I knew that it was water proof, but it was still pretty uncomfortable.

After I took a shower, I felt a bit better. I put it back on and then I noticed the cuts on my other arm. I stared at them.

There were old and new ones. Some of them were fully healed, some of them didn't even start. I sighed again and put new bandages on them.

I changed and walked out of the bathroom. The tv was on and Tom was watching 'The Cats'.

I smiled and made my way to the bedroom. I grabbed a hair gel and made my hair two devilish horns. After I was done, I opened my suitcase (I forgot to mention that he had a suitcase and that Tom has took it in his room, whoops) and took out my sketch pad.

I took a pencil and made my way to the living room. I sat on the couch next to Tom and opened it. There were a lot of drawings since the incident. I drew suicidal pictures full of blood and pain. Tom didn't even notice me, he was watching 'The Children'. I bet he really liked that show.

I started to draw. I drew Norway and my memories from my childhood. I smiled with tears forming in my eyes again. I let a few tears fall and kept drawing.

Then I was drawing myself and Tom. It was my first day in school after I moved from Norway. We were best friends. Tears were streaming down my cheeks and I was hopeless to stop them.

I started sobbing and my smile faded away.

"Tord, are you okay?" Tom asked. I looked at him. He had a worried expression on his face.
I tried to smile, but failed. "I'm fine..." I said looking away.

I felt a pair of arms around me. Tom was hugging me trying to calm me down. I hugged back gently and guietly sobbed on his shoulder.

After 5 minutes, I calmed down. He pulled away.

"Tord, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Well, we were planning some new adventures since you came back."


"And...I know how you miss Norway. So I thought that we could visit Norway for a while."

I sat there in silence. My eyes widened. I smiled and said.

"That would be great!"

"I knew you would be happy about this."

I hugged him again, happy tears falling down my cheeks.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said, hugging him tightly.

He hugged back and after a while I actually fell asleep.

I'm going to visit home... I really am... With my friends...

Tom's POV:

He fell asleep. I smiled and carefully picked him up, taking him to my room. I placed him on my bed and quietly walked away, trying not to wake him up.

I came back to the living room and then saw his sketch book. I was curious and took it. I opened it and saw something horrible...

I saw drawings of him cutting himself in his normal arm saying 'I'm sorry'. That drawing made me feel uncomfortable.

I kept looking and saw more of depressing drawing. I felt really bad.

Then I saw a drawing of Norway. It looked nice. I saw a lot of water and mountains.

I looked at the next page and my 'eyes' widened. There was a drawing of me and Tord, both smiling. I remembered when he first came in our school. We were best friends.

I smiled and closed it. He was quite talented.

I took a shower and then made my way to the bedroom. Tord was lying on my bed, snoring like a kitten. It looked really cute.

I chuckled a bit and crawled in bed next to him. I was looking at him for a while and then I wrapped my arms around him. I pulled him close and kissed his forehead.

"I love you..."

There you go! Here's just some TomTord! Oh and by the way, have you noticed, that this chapter is guite long? Well, It's 776 words. I hope you like it! Bye!

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