24. My fault

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Tom's POV:

It's been a week since the...incident and Tord's still in coma.

I know that the doctor said he will be in coma for around 9 weeks, but I am more nervous. I hope he really will wake up...

I'm coming to a hospital everyday to visit Tord hoping that he might wake up. I need to be there for him when that happens.

I am looking at him checking if he moved, but he never did. I'm talking to him knowing that he can hear me.

Even if he didn't tell me, I know he's scared.

I'm always calming him down and talking to him so he wouldn't feel lonely.

I am always holding his hand as well.

"I wish you would wake up..." I said before I leaned down and kissed him on his cheek.

I stood up and leaved making my way home.

Once I walked into my apartment, I rushed into my bedroom and locked the door.

I reached for my smirnoff and drank it ignoring the burning taste in my throat.
I reached for another one and then another one.

I was completly drunk. I stood up, unlocked the door and took some of my knives.

Do it.

I rolled up my sleeve...

You did this to him.

Took the knife and put it into my skin red liquid coming out...

It's all your fault!

I was pulling the blade through my skin blood dripping from my wrists.

I looked at the cut I made. It wasn't that deep, but it was big. I sighed and cleaned the knive and made my way to the bathroom to bandage it up.

I deserve this...

Edd's POV:

I was sitting in my apartment watchind tv which wasn't even on. I was petting Ringo.

"Edd, are you okay? You've been petting Ringo for 3 hours and watching tv which isn't even on..." Suddenly someone snapped me out of my thoughts.

It was Matt. He was looking at me with a worried look.

"I'm fine. I'm just worried about Tom... I mean, we haven't talked with him since the incident happened..." I answered and stood up.

"It's gonna be alright, Edd. What about we will watch the movie or something with him?" Matt said and smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Okay. That's a good idea."

We walked out of my apartment and knocked on Tom's door. Even after a minute nobody answered. We knocked again louder this time.

We heard footsteps coming towards the door. The door opened and there stood Tom.
He had messy hair, he looked tired and he smelled like alcohol.
"Hey Edd..." He said in a quiet and raspy voice.

"Hello Tom! We just wanted to ask if you want to watch a movie with us." I said and smiled at him. But he didn't return. "Nah." He answered about to close the door, but I stopped him.

"Come on, Tom! Please?" I said and made puppy eyes. I'm really good at that.
"Urgh...fine." He said and walked out of his apartment closing the door behind him.

Me and Matt followed him worry written on our face.

"So, what are we gonna watch?" He asked and sat on a couch.

"What about...The Return Of-" I was cut off by Tom. "No."

"Is there anything you wanna watch?" I asked. He was thinking for a while and in the end he finally chose a film. (I don't know which one, because I have no fantasy.)

When the movie ended, I turned the tv off and looked at Matt who was sleeping on my shoulder. I smiled and looked at Tom. He was also sleeping. I sighed and picked Matt up taking him to his apartment.

When I closed the door, I saw Tom coming out of my apartment.

"Goodnight, Tom." I waved. "Night, Edd." He answered and walked into his own apartment.

I yawned and checked the time. It was 1:21 am. I yawned again and lied down on my bed quickly falling asleep.

Tom's gonna be okay...I hope...

Hey guys! What's up?

So, I just wanted to tell you that we're getting close to the end of this story.

I think I'm gonna write only one or two more chapters.

Also, I wanted to thank you all for the support. It's ove 1K views! Oh my god, thank you so much!
Also I'm planning another TomTord book, because why not.

Oh well, SEA ya!

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