23. Incident

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Tord's POV:

"So, we're back." I said while entering our apartment. "Yeah." Tom answered.

"Well, I'm going to unpack." I said and made my way to the bedroom.

I opened my suitcase and unpacked my stuff.

After I was done, I headed back to the living room to see Tom sitting on the couch, looking on his phone.

I sat next to him and pulled my phone out as well. Tom looked at me.

"I'm bored, let's do something." He said. I looked at him.

"Okay. But, what should we do?" There was silence.

"We should watch something." "Like what?" I started to think. "Maybe 'The Return Of The Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell 1'?" "Fine with me." He answered and got up.

After a while, we were watching the movie. Just like old times. I smiled and rested my head on Tom's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and we enjoyed the movie.

After the movie ended, we just sat there in silence, enjoying each other's company. After a while we actually fell asleep cuddled to each other.

Tom's POV:

I woke up sun shining in my face. I rubbed my eyes and saw Tord sleeping while hugging me like a pillow. I smiled and carefully pulled him away.

I opened the fridge and saw that we were almost out of food. I sighed and closed the fridge.

I decided to go out for some groceries.

I left my apartment and walked out.

I took my phone and headphones out and listened to some songs.

Tord's POV: (meanwhile)

I woke up when I heard the door close. I opened my eyes to see Tom was not there. I got up and opened the door to see Tom walking out.

'He's probably out to buy some groceries' I thought and decided to go with him. I ran back, took my phone and followed him.

I closed the apartment door and walked after him.

He had his phone out and headphones in his ears probably listening to something.

He was about to cross the road, but suddenly I saw a truck...
He couldn't hear it. "Tom!" I screamed and ran after him.

Before the truck could hit him, I pushed him away from the road and felt something hit me...

Tom's POV:

"What the-" Was all I said when someone pushed me on the ground. I was kinda suprised.

I looked back to see something I will never forget...

Tord was lsying there on the ground...not moving...blood all around...

"Tord!" I screamed tears falling down my cheeks. I kneeled next to him.

"Tom.......you're okay......I'm so...glad..." He said in a quiet and raspy voice and weakly smiled at me.

I just sat there crying. "Tord...I-I'm so s-sorry! This is all my f-fault!" I said, crying even harder.

"Shh.....don't cry Tommy. It's okay..." He said and petted my hair.

I took a deep breath and reached for my phone. "I'm going to call an ambulance. Just, please...don't die on me...promise me...you...won't...die..." I looked at him tears streaming down my face.

He smiled at me. "I promise...Just please, hurry..." He said and grabbed my hand. I nodded and called an ambulance.

What have I done...

*Time skip*

We were in the hospital waiting. Edd and Matt also came. They were talking about something, but I was too busy crying and hoping Tord will be okay.

I felt someone put an arm on my shoulder.

I looked up to see Edd looking at me with a worried look.

"He's going to be okay, I just know it." He said and smiled at me. I tried to smile back, but failed.

I looked down again and he and Matt hugged me trying to make me feel better. I hugged back, quietly crying.

After a while of crying and hugging, the doctor came. We pulled away.

"So, how is he? Is he alive? Will he be alright? Can we see him?" I asked him .

"Yes, he's alive...but...he's in coma." He said looking down.

"For how long...?" I asked. "Or is it the type of coma that he will never wake up again?"

"No, don't worry, I'm sure he's gonna wake up. But It's gonna take like...9 weeks or so."

Silence filled up the room. "Well, at least he's gonna be alright." I said and smiled weakly.

He put his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me.

"You can go see him if you want to. He maybe can't do anything really, but he can hear you."

My face lit up. "Of course, lead the way!" I said and we followed the doctor.

"Alright, you can go see him." The doctor said and let us in the room.

I saw Tord laying on a bed, his eyes closed, breathing calmly.
I came closer and sat on the chair next to the bed. I put my hand on his hand and kept looking at him, tears forming in my 'eyes' again.

"I'm so sorry, Tord...this is all my fault...The doctor said you will be in coma for around 9 weeks, but you will be okay...I also wanted to thank you...for saving me...I promise I will be here everyday with you. Until you will wake up..." I said, crying and sobbing quietly again.

"You will be okay..."

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