13. Walk

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(The picture on the top is mine! Again...)

Tord's POV:

It was 6 pm and me and Tom were getting bored. We exited the arcade, sat on a bench and now we didn't know, what to do.

"So, what now? We have an hour until we have to leave." Tom asked.
"Umm, I don't know. Is there anything you want to do?" I answered.

He shook his head.
"So, should we just go for a walk?" I asked. He looked at me.
"Umm, okay?" He said and stood up.
I followed his moves and we walked away.

There was an awkward silence.
"Umm, where are we even going?" Tom asked.
I remembred the incident. On the mountain was a really nice view on the small city and you could perfectly see the stars.
I smiled at that memory and I could've sworn Tom was smiling at me from the behind.

"I think I know! Follow me." I said and grabbed his hand. But I didn't noticed my action.

Tom's POV:

"I think I know! Follow me." He said and grabbed my hand.
I blushed, but didn't pull away.

We walked for like ten minutes when Tord spoke.
"We're here!" I looked up to see that we were on a mountain.

I let out a 'wow' sound and looked at Tord to see him with a cute and sweet smile.
"Do you like it?"
"Yes! How did you even found this place?"
"Well, after my...incident I ended up here. Look, you can still find some little pieces of my giant robot. I cleaned up the bigger ones."

"Oh. Sorry for bringing that out."
"It's fine." He smiled at me again and he sat down on the grass.
I sat next to him.

I closed my 'eyes' and took a deep, breath enjoying the air.
After a while I opened them again and looked at Tord.
He was looking at the starts. I could see the reflection of them sparkling in his beautiful grey eyes.

I blushed again.
Then I did something, that even I didn't expect.
I wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him closer to me.

He looked at me with a suprised look and blushed.
I looked at him. His eyes were filled with stars.
It looked cute and pretty.

We sat there looking at each other's eyes for a while and then he put his head on my shoulder.
I looked down at him and smiled.
I put my head on his head and we watched the stars.

Okay, okay, okay. I think I have a teeny tiny crush on the commie...tiny...

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