10. Act

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Tom's POV:

I woke up and checked the time. It was 7:52. I sighed and got up. I walked into the living room to see Tord sleeping on the couch with a relaxed look on his face. I smiled a bit and walked to the kitchen.

I decided to make some breakfast.

I looked into the fridge and pulled out eggs and bacon. (Because why not.) I took out the frying pan and started to make the eggs.

Tord's POV:

I woke up and smelled...bacon! I started to get up still with pain in my head and walked towards the kitchen to see Tom making breakfast. I sat down on a chair.

"Morning, Tom." He looked at me and smiled. "Morning, Tord!" He answered. It looked like he was in a good mood today. I smiled at him and then looked away.

I was thinking about last night. It was not really the first time I cut, but I tried to avoid it as best as I could.

Sometimes it was really difficult, but I didn't want them to worry. Wait a minute, why should they worry? They didn't care about me anyways. I could feel tears form in my eyes, but I wiped them away.

"So, how did you sleep?" He asked. I didn't notice he was talking. "Tord?" I looked at him. "Oh, sorry about that, just got lost in my thoughts for a while." I said and smiled a bit.

"Oh. So, did you sleep well last night?" He asked. I looked at my arm and then back at him.

"Oh, y-yeah!" I made a fake smile trying to say it as believable as possible. Looks like he didn't notice. "Same here."

It was silence for a while until we heard a knock. "I'll go open!" I said as I got up and walked towards the door to see Edd standing there, smiling at me.

"Oh, hello Tord!" He said with his wide smile on. I smiled back at him.

"Oh, hello Edd!" "Look, me and Matt are going this afternoon in the theme park and we were wondering if you and Tom would like to come with us."

"Oh, that sounds fun! I'll go. I will ask Tom, he seems like he's in good mood today." "Okie, bye!" Edd waved at me. "Goodbye!"

I closed the door and head back to the kitchen. "Hey, Tom. Edd and Matt are going this afternoon at the theme park and I'm going with them. Do you want to come?" I said with 'smile' on my face.

He looked at me and smiled. "Sure, I'll go!" "Uhh, Tom. You're in a good mood today. Did something good happened?"

"Nah, just good mood!" I smiled at him and sit on a chair. He placed the eggs with bacon and toast in front of me. I thanked him and began to eat. I knew I will regret it later on, but I didn't want Tom to notice anything. So I just ate it.

*Time skip (Again, damn it!)*

"So, are you ready to go?" Edd asked as we walked to the car. "Yes, Edd!" I answered putting my 'smile' on again. He started the car.

I wasn't really that happy and I kept hearing that voice.

They just took you with them because they don't want you to ruin their apartments again!


Oh, you're trying to ignore the fact that they never cared?

Tears were forming in my eyes again.

They hate you. They don't trust you. They want you DEAD.

Tears were falling down my cheeks and I thought I heard someone's voice calling me. But who?

Crybaby. Weak. Traitor. Useless. Dangerous...

My vision was blurry once again, but I was trying my best to act normal. But...It was...hard...
I started fainting. I tried to ignore the voice, but he was now the only thing I heard.

I couldn't take it anymore. I heard some voices calling me and I knew that Edd stopped the car. But it was over. I couldn't see anything. I couldn't breathe. After a while my body gave up and I blacked out.

Tom's POV:

We were in the car on our way to the theme park. I looked at Tord wanting him to look relaxed and calm once again. But he wasn't. "Tord?" I called his voice. He didn't listen.

"Tord!" They were tears streaming down his cheeks.

He looked unstable. "TORD!" I screamed making Edd to stop the car and look at us. Tord was crying and fainting again.

He was breathing heavily and sweating. Then he blacked out. "Tord!"

I hugged him. "Tom, what happened with Tord?" Edd asked trying to sound calm, but I could hear his shaky voice. "I-I don't know! I looked at him to see him crying and blacking out!"

I looked at him with worry on my face. He didn't look as calm and peaceful anymore. He looked stressed and unhappy.

I pulled him closer. I could see he's been through a lot. Suddenlly I saw blood seeping through his sleeves. I rolled them up and gasped.

"I should have known something is wrong... I should have known..."

Woohoo, guys! Thank you so much about over one hundread reads! Unbeliavable! Also, I tried to make this chapter longer then the last ones and...succes! It's 789 words! I know it's not that much, but hey, I tried. Well thanks again and see ya!

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