19. Picnic

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Tord's POV:

I woke up sun, shining in my face. I got up and stretched. I checked the time. It was 7:12. Well, it was not that early. I decided to make breakfast.

I walked into the kitchen. I kinda wanted to eat something...sweet! 'Hmm, what about pancakes!' I smiled at the idea and pulled out the ingredients. I knew I would probably throw up again, but I didn' care much. Pancakes were not that bad and maybe I will be able to keep them down! I took a frying and started to make them. 
I found out, that I kinda liked cooking. It was fun.

I heard a knock on the door. "It's open!" I yelled since I didn't want those pancakes to burn or something.

The door opened and there stood Edd and Matt. "Good morning, Tord!" Edd said with a smile on his face. I smiled back. "Good morning."

"Oh, I see that you're making pancakes. Can we have some too?" Matt said.

"Yeah, why not? You are invited on morning pancakes!" I answered.

"Yay!" The both said in unison. I chuckled as they sat at the table.

"Morning, guys." We suddenly heard someone talk. I turned around to see Tom standing there.

"Morning, Tom!" I answered and smiled at him. He sat at the table as well.

After a while I finally finished the pancakes. I took a maple sirup and some cream. When I was done, I places some strawberries on them as well.

"Pancakes are ready!" I said and placed plates full of pancakes in front of them.

"Wow, Tord! They look delicious!" Edd said still smiling.

"And they taste delicious too!" Matt said with a piece of pancake in his mouth.

"I agree with them. They are delicious." Tom said as I sat to the table with them.

"Thanks, guys." I smiled at them all and started to eat. I ate slowly and carefully. They were good!

"Hey guys, what are we gonna do today?" Edd asked and looked at me since I knew Norway a bit better that them.

"Well, there are lot of mountains with a beautiful view on the city and some lakes. What about a picnic on one of them?" I said.

"Sounds good to me!" Matt said with a smile.

I smiled again. I was in a really good mood today.

"Okay so after we eat, we're going up there." Edd said. We all nodded.

*Time skip*

"So, are you guys ready?" I said. They all nodded. "Let's go then!" I grinned and we all walked out of our hotel.

I was carrying the picnic basket. It was a nice weather today. I took a deep breath.

"Ahh, home." I said and closed my eyes for a while.

"It's really nice in Norway, Tord. I can understand that you missed it here." Edd said and looked at me. "Heh, yeah." I answered and took a breath again. I loved the air.

When we were up there, I took the picnic blanket and placed it on the grass. It was nice. there were a lot of flowers. And it smelled nice too.

I took some food and placed it on the blanket. I looked down at some lakes. I closed my eyes feeling relaxed. "It's beautiful up here." I said.

I opened them again and looked down at the city. Then I begun to feel uneasy.

It reminded me of the incident. My stomach hurt, my head felt dizzy. The world was getting blurry. I had tears in my eyes.

"Tord? You alright?" I heard Tom said in a worried tone.

I was softly sobbing trying to hold back tears. I felt like I was going to vomit.

I couldn't hold it anymore. I started crying causing my head to hurt even more.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me giving me a hug. I was getting relaxed after a while. When I calmed down, I said. "I'm sorry..It just reminds me off the incident..."

"It's okay." Edd said and smiled at me. I weakly smiled back. There was silence for a moment.

I looked at the flowers and then an idea came into my mind.

I smiled and started to pick up some blue, red, green and purple flowers.

'Just like in my childhood.' I thought and started to make flower crowns.

Blue for Tom, green for Edd, purple for Matt and red for me. I wanted to give them a little something to thank them for taking care of me and for being my friends.

After I was done, I took a break. I hid them in the basket, laid down and looked at clouds passing by on the sky. I could have sworn there was one that looked like me, Tom, Edd and Matt all smiling together. I relaxed and closed my eyes.

Tom's POV:

I was talking with Edd and Matt. Tord was being oddly quiet. I turned around to see him laying on his back with closed eyes. I smiled and turned back at Edd and Matt.

*Time skip*

It was getting late. We spent up here a whole day. But I really enjoyed it. Tord woke up and said.

"Hey guys, I want to give you all a little something..." He looked at all of us.

He opened the basket and pulled out four flower crowns. There was a blue one, green one, purple and red one. He placed them all on our heads and smiled.

"Wow, Tord! You didn't have to!" Edd said.

"But I wanted to. Thank you all for taking care of me. You are the best friends I could ever wish for. You made my life much brighter and I can be happy. Thank you all so much." He said with happy tears in his eyes.

"Aww, Tord!" Matt said and hugged him. Soon me and Edd also joined the hug.

After we pulled away, we started packing our stuff. There were already some stars on the sky.

"Oh and guys, I actually have another small suprise for you all."

"Really? What is i-" I was cut off by hearing banging. We all looked at the sky seeing fireworks on the sky. And then there was a big one. When it exploded, it said something.

'I love you!' We were all smiling and happy tears falling down our cheeks. We then hugged him again, thanking Tord. It was one of the happiest moments of my life.

When the fireworks stopped, we all packed our stuff, tired, but happy and headed back to our hotel. We all said our goodbyes and walked into our places.

When we got there, I immediately took a shower. Tord was after me. We then said goodnight to each other, left into our rooms and almost immediately fell asleep.

I will never forget this day...

Hello guys, It's me! I just wanted to thank you all for 700+ views on this book. It's unbeliavable! Thank you all so much! So As a thank you, I made my longest chapter yet.

It's 1142 words! I tried my best to make it longer. Well, that's all I have to say, thanks again and goodbye!

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