25. Tord!

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Tom's POV:

"Please, wake up, Tord... please...I need to ask you something...very important..." I said while looking down at Tord. It's been 8 weeks and he was still in coma. I knew that the doctor said it will take around 9 weeks or so, but I was starting to lose hope.

I also wanted to ask him something. It was very important... But not until he'll wake up.

Tears were falling down my cheeks. He still didn't move.

"I miss you..." I said and closed my 'eyes', sobbing. Suddenly, I felt someone place a hand on my cheek.

I gasped and opened my 'eyes'. Tord was there...looking at me with a warm smile and happy tears in his eyes.

"Tord!" I screamed, more tears falling down my face.

I smiled and hugged him. "I missed you so much!" I said while crying.
"Shh...I'm here now. I missed you too."

"Tom! We heard you scream Tord's name! What happ-" Edd rushed in with Matt and a nurse behind them.

They stared at us for a while.

"Tord!" Edd screamed and ran up to us and joined the hug. Matt joined too.

"I missed you guys so much!" Tord said and tighten his grip on us.

"We did too." We answered and pulled away.

"For how long have I been in coma?" He asked. "8 weeks." His eyes widened.

"Really? That long?" "Yes, but Tom came here to visit you everyday." Edd said and looked at me.

I blushed a bit and looked down starting to sob.

"Tom? What's wrong?" Tord asked with worry on his face.

"I-I'm just so sorry! It's my fault that you were in coma! If I was paying attention, then-"

"It's okay. I'm alive, or not?" He said with a smile.

I smiled back and hugged him shortly. "Umm...guys...Can you leave me and Tom alone for a while?" Tord suddenly said as we pulled away.

I looked at him with a questioning look.

They nodded and left the room.

"Tom, while I was in coma, I could hear almost anything you said to me." He paused and looked at me. "And you said that you need to ask me something really important..." My 'eyes' widened.

"What did you want to ask me...?" He asked. Silence filled the room.

'Am I really ready for this? What if he says no? Oh god, I'm so nervous...' I thought to myself, panicking slightly.

I sighed and searched for something in my pocket. I kneeled down on one of my knees and pulled out a small box...

"Tord...I love you and I will love you forever. You made me the happiest man on this world. So..."

I paused and opened the small box. "...Will you marry me?"

He gasped, tears forming in his eyes. He then smiled at me. "Yes! Yes I will!" He said and grabbed me by my hoodie collar and kissed me.

My 'eyes' widened. I kissed back, tears falling down my face.

"Woooooo hoooooo!" I heard Edd scream behind us, but I didn't really care. He said yes. He really did. I was so happy.

After a while we pulled away, we were smiling at each other for a while and then hugged each other. This was the happiest day of my life...

After a month, we had our wedding. I couldn't believe this was really happening. I was happy... Finally happy... 

The End

Well guys, I guess this is it. This is the end. I wanted to thank you for the support. You were great, guys. Thank you so much for everything. I really appreciate it.

Now I'm going to write a new book. It's called 'Emotionless...' and It's a TomTord book 'cuz why not.

Thanks again for the support you all gave me and, goodbye.

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