14. I miss the old times

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Tord's POV:

We sat there for like twenty minutes looking at the sky. That reminded me of something...


Little Tord's POV:

I couldn't sleep. I wanted to go outside. I was looking at the stars from my window. They were beautiful. I loved Norway. I checked the time. 1:38.

I sighed and closed the window. I headed back to my bed. I was so happy to be in Norway. It was beautiful here. The songs, the music! I also loved dancing!

I smiled as music was playing from outside and fell asleep.

*End of flaaaaaaaaashbaaaaaaaaack*

I got lost in my thoughts. Suddenly I felt tears on my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away and sobbed quietly. I missed Norway...

Tom's POV:

We sat there in silence, looking up at the sky full of sparkling lights. They sure were beautiful. Suddenly I heard a sob. I looked down at Tord to see him wiping away small tears falling down his cheeks.

"Tord, is something wrong?" I looked at him with a worried look.

"I'm fine...I just...remembered Norway..." He said more tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Was it nice in Norway?"

"Yes, it was really lovely! It was kinda cold, but still nice! You could hear music playing on the streets, people singing, dancing... And there were a lot of mountains too. There was a really nice view from up there and you could see the stars perfectly! Just like here. I always loved to dance along with the music! I was really happy! Until...I had to move away..."

There was silence for a while until he got up and said. "It's 6:46, we should head back."

"Okay..." I answered and stood up. We walked back down. I kept looking at him and I always saw him looking down. I wanted to help him somehow. But how?

When we got down, we sat on a brench. He was still looking down. I looked away and looked at my feet, thinking, how could I help him. I suddenly heard sobs. I turned my head to see Tord wiping his tears again. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. It took him a while, but he returned the hug.

I was still thinking about, how could I help Tord. He was asleep on my shoulder at the moment. He was talking about Norway really nice so maybe...

And then an idea came up to my mind.

*Time skip*

"Hello Tom!" I heard a familiar voice. I looked up to see Edd and Matt standing there holding each other's hands. I waved at them and smiled.

"Hello Tim!" Matt said. I rolled my 'eyes'. "Hello Matt."

"It's getting late, so should we get back home now?" Edd asked. We both nodded and since I didn't want to wake Tord up, I just picked him up gently and carried him bridal style.

I could hear Edd and Matt giggling as we made our way to our car, but I didn't really care.

After a while since Edd started the car, I spoke.

"Hey, Edd."

"Yes, Tom?"

"Do you remember when we were talking about our next adventure and where to go?"

"Umm...yes? Why do you ask?"

"Well, what about...Norway?"

There was silence in the car for a little while.

"Well, that sounds great! How did you came up with the idea?"

"Well...after we split up...Tord was sad. He told me that he really miss Norway. He described how it looked like and it sounded really nice. So I thought we could visit it for a bit."

Edd was silent. All we could hear is the car engine and Tord's guiet snores.

"Well, why not? I think it's a good idea!"

I smiled. "Alright!"

"Okay so our next adventure : Norway!"

Hello guys! It's me! I just wanted to say...thank you so much! It's unbeliavable! I didn't expect this book to be so popular! How? How?!  THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I'll still try to update everyday. So, I guess that's all I have to say. So thanks again and, goodbye!

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