11. The truth

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Tom's POV:

"Forget about the theme park, we've gotta do something! His breathing is getting slower and shorter!" I screamed with tears falling down my cheeks. I pulled him closer.

"What are we gonna do?!" Edd asked. "I don't know!" I answered. Suddenly I heard a groan coming from the Norwegian. He was waking up again.

His eyes flutter open and he started screaming from panic. I pulled him even closer and rubbed circles on his back, trying to calm him down.
"T-T-Tom...?" I pulled away to see him looking at me with terror and fear in his eyes and tears streaming down his face.

"Tord! I'm so glad you're okay!" I smiled at him in relief. He looked down. "W-what happened?"

"Well, you were crying and then you blacked out..."

"Oh..." There was silence for a while. "Tord...may I ask you something...?"

"...Yes?" "What is wrong with you? I mean, you black out a lot, nightmares, crying, panic attacks and..." I grab his normal arm and rolled up his sleeve. "...you cut...Why?..."

Silence. Nobody said anything. Tord looked really shocked. He gulped and sighed right after.

Tord's POV:

Oh no, they got me... What should I do..? I could feel myself panic. I gulped and took a breath.

"Well, you see, I..." I looked down, starting to tear up again. "Just...after the 'incident' with my giant robot...I regretted everything I did. I left the army and didn't eat almost anything. I felt like I don't deserve it... Even when you forgave me it didn't stop. I don't deserve your forgivness, I don't deserve ANY FRIENDS!"

I was litteraly crying my eyes out again. "I'm anorexic, I have a depression and anxiety! I deserve this! I-" I was cut off when Tom hugged me. I was suprised, but hugged back.

"Tord, I know everything you did was bad, but It's in the past now. We all forgive you. So please, don't do this to yourself!" Tom said with a steady voice.

"...Don't worry, I won't." I tighten my grip on the hug, never wanting to let go.

"Umm. Hey, Tord. Do you still want to go to the theme park?" Edd asked. "Y-yeah. Let's go." I said as Edd starts the car and we're on our way to the theme park once again.

I am so lucky to have my friends...

Hey, guys! Sorry for the short chapter, but...just...sometimes I'm not in the mood to write. I promise tommorow I will make a longer one. Goodbye!

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