6. Terrified

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Tord's POV:

I woke up on the couch in Tom's apartment. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time on my phone. 4:38. Well, it was still pretty early.

I tried to sleep again, but I couldn't. After a while, I gave up and decided to go for a short walk. Before I left, I wrote a note to let Tom and the others know, where I was going.

I got out of the apartment. It wasn't cold, but not warm neither. I walked to a park with hands in my pockets.

When I got there, I sat on the bench and enjoyed the silence. I closed my eyes and relaxed. I was thinking about my dream.

*In the dream*

It was night and I was siting on a mountain with giant robot behind me. I looked up at the stars and then at my arm. I signed and started to cry. "I'm so sorry..." Suddenly someone put a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and looked behind me. It was...


I smiled at him, but he didn't return it. "You should be dead..." He said in a quiet tone. "W-what?" "YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!" He said and without me realizing it, he was holding a harpoon in his hands...

*End of the dream*

I started to tear up again. He was right, I should have died...

You're useless...






Nobody cares about you, you don't deserve it...


I screamed and my vision was blurry again. I didn't wanted to listen, but I couldn't stop it... Everything started spinning and then everything went black...

Tom's POV:

I woke up and checked the time. It was 6:12. Well, I thhought I could make some breakfast. I got to the kitchen and saw a note. I read it:

Hello Tom.

If you are asking where i am, I just went for a little walk. I will be back soon. See ya!

-Commie Tord

I chuckled and went to make some breakfast.

Tord's POV:

I opened my eyes to see, that I was lying on the ground next to the bench. I groaned and got up. What happened? My head hurt like hell and I saw a bit blurry.

I remembered that I went for a walk, sat on this bench and...maybe...fell asleep? I was not sure. I checked the time. 10:48! 'I better hurry and go back or guys will be worried!' I thought to myself.

I started to walk, but fell. I tried again, but failed. After like two more tries, I finally got up and walked home, feeling really dizzy and having a headache.

Tom's POV:

It was 10:19 and Tord wasn't back yet. I was starting to get worried. What if something happened to him? 'I better text him to make sure he's alright.' I thought and took out my phone.

I texted him, but even after five minutes, he didn't answer. He always answered! I tried calling him, but nobody picked it up. I started to panic.

"Oh no, maybe something happened to Tord! Oh god, what should I do?" While I was paniking, someone suddenly slammed the door. I looked at the door to see Tord standing there with terror in his eyes.

"Tord!" I screamed and ran up to him, but he fell down, holding his head in pain. "Oh my god, are you alright?!" He looked up to me with tears in his eyes. He was breathing heavily and sweating.

"T-Tom...help...me..." He said before he blacked out. "Tord...?"

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