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Rafael stepped around the bar, taking in the pleading man. The man's hair was slicked back with sweat, his face red and scrunched up while he talked in rapid Italian. Rafael had to admit to himself that his Italian was rusty. He didn't understand much, yet the older man kept up with his begging. He flickered his eyes to his younger brother, Sebastiano, who looked ready to burst out in laughter. Rafael lowered his gaze, his eyes catching the redness around his brother's knuckles. Sebastiano looked pristine in his charcoal colored suit. His dark hair was neatly gelled, his leather shoes shining brightly in the dimly lighted nightclub. No one would ever dare to accuse Sebastiano of having a temper. He did, however, have a temper which even made his father swallow from time to time.
Getting tired of listening to the man's incoherent pleading Rafael held up a hand, indicating to his subordinates to shut the man up. They moved right away, pulling the man to his feet and telling him to shut up without much restraint. He believed in manners and subtlety, but he was also a man who liked the peaceful moments. An old man pleading in a foreign language without taking a breath once wasn't peaceful to him. So he didn't comment on his subordinates rather rough handling of the older man.

"The fact remains that you're ten grand behind on your loan." Rafael approached the man who looked about ready to piss himself, "I need you to start paying up, Michel."

"I'll get you the money next week, Rafael. I promise!" He leaned forward which made his subordinates back the man up again while Sebastiano went into defense, ready to beat the man into submission, "The business isn't going so well-"

"It's the same excuse you've been using for the past six months, Michel. Yet you paid for a sixty grand wedding." Rafael's lips curled up into a smirk, "I hope your daughter is doing well."

Fear spread across the man's red face, "I'll get you the money next week." He repeated, "Just please, don't go after my family-"

Rafael straightened his jacket, "I don't want to go after your family, Michel. I'd like to think we have more class than that." His eyes flickered to Sebastiano again, "My brother will pick up the money next week, personally." He looked back at the relieved-looking man, "Since you caused such inconvenience we'll make it fifteen." He nodded to his subordinates, "Get him out of here."

Rafael walked behind the bar again and poured himself a top-shelf whiskey. He poured his brother a glass as well and handed it to Sebastiano who approached the bar with confident strides. His brother didn't look too happy about the decision he had made, Sebastiano was never one to hide his emotions well.

"You're being too soft on him." Sebastiano commented, sipping his whiskey, "Why not go after his family? A fucking sixty grand wedding yet he can't pay back a ten grand loan? He's bullshitting you because he doesn't take you seriously." Sebastiano looked ready to punch the next guy who approached him in the face, "This would never have happened if dad-"

"Don't go there." Rafael warned his brother, "Don't go there." He repeated.

He knew his brothers were still adjusting to the fact that he took over the family business. Sebastiano didn't stay quiet when Nicola announced he was stepping back early because he wanted to enjoy retirement. He didn't think Rafael was ready and he colorfully announced that during their family meeting. It was the first time Nicola raised his voice to his temperamental son, telling him to shut the fuck up and accept reality.

"The fact that we dress up like gentlemen doesn't mean we're actually gentlemen, Rafe." Sebastiano reminded him, "We operate in a world of drugs, sex, and money. Last week Max killed a prostitute and I needed to clean up his mess. Is that something a gentleman would do?"

He didn't need to be reminded of his youngest brother's mistake. Max said the bitch stole money from him so she deserved it. He didn't hold it against Max since his youngest brother dealt with their rather shady nightclub activities. He knew the things Max saw on a daily basis were ugly. Sebastiano cleaned up the mess Max had made and that was the end of that. He liked to pretend it didn't even happen.

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